Showing posts with label The extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz. Show all posts

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Busy Saturday

In hindsight it was a great Saturday evening and Sunday morning, even with all my crashes and the strange weekend shit happening. So what was it I did, lets see if I can recall it all...?

First I went to look at some new hair to party in. My brother in-law D R E Y (a.k.a BIL) had dropped a landmark on me last we spoke. It was a beautiful shop with some great hair, I will look up the name when I get back in SecondLife and add it here. B-something that rhymes with barley if I remember correctly...Aah got it! Burley (SLurl) was the name! (No picture yet!)

With my new hair down I went back home to pack a gift for Eddi Haskell for his fifth rezday. What does one give to a man who has been around forever and probably has everything he ever wanted to have? 

Well I think I finally found a good gift when I decided to give him one of the beautiful jars made by Second Renoir, the Swedish first and second life artist. I love those jars, and have almost all of them myself.

While I was gift wrapping the jar I talked a little with my in-house (or on-sim) brother in-law Dejerrity. It is always good to check in with him. he makes me feel warm, safe and happy.

Happy with having the gift decided and packed I dropped in at Mid´s Super Fride Party with DJ Gwenni. The set looked really true to the original, but after a while it got to be a bit too overwhelming and it was quite difficult to make out the other avatars among everything that was going on there.
Super Fride
While i was listening to the great selection of music played for us by the amazing DJ Gwenni, who was a new acquaintance for me, I got a surprise call from my darling brother Martial.Eisenhart, who had been missing for awhile. It was so good talking with him again! As always we talked about everything between heaven and earth and all at the same time. His mind works nearly as mine, but he is a sweeter, kinder and much less judgmental version of myself. 

When Martial had dozed off I got the call that Eddi´s party at Tadd's Cabaret had started, so I quickly changed into something stylish to fit in with the crowd at one of Eddi´s parties. (Black suit with a black t-shirt showing off my chest hair.) The place was full when I got there and filled up even more while I was there. 

Somewhere in between this I got the chance to stand up for my dear friend Zigadena Gabardini, who was - for no rational reason at all - being clobbered at by the extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz in the comments on another blog.

I found a safe spot close to the hunky host Scott and started flirting wildly with him, although I don´t think he noticed much. The only man that ever understood when I was flirting was my Ars. He told me once, that I should drop all the subtleties because people are so busy with everything else going on. To which I answered, "Do you  suggest I tell them in local chat that we should leave and go fuck?". He laughed when I promptly sent him an IM saying exactly that. But what the hell, all my flirting is only for fun still, I have no intentions whatsoever of following up on them, perhaps the guys sense that somehow.

While I was busy with that, lo and behold, I suddenly saw my name called in local chat. It was my buddy, the studly Ziggy Starsmith that had arrived to the party. He looked grey, sultry and sexy as all the others at the party, except for the hunky Scott. 

I tried all my tricks to get the world to rez, pulling down draw distance and changing the group tag, but nothing worked. And then SecondLife kicked me out.

When I tried to log back in I almost made it three times but was kicked out again with the message "The system has logged you out because you are trying to log in from another location"? Interesting message and it was the first time ever I got it - after five years in SecondLife. I don´t understand what it means though.

Finally I gave up going back to the party and went back home instead, which worked fine. Soon after I got back on I got an IM from Ziggy asking if he could come over for a visit and take a look at Southern Charm. I was absolutely delighted to invite him over.

Ziggy came over and looked excellent this time. I gave him the grand tour of the sim - both the house and the grounds - and we had a good time talking about ourselves and our lives (both of them). After about an hour Ziggy´s new man, Holter, logged in when he got home from work in first life and was called over. At that point my darn computer and SecondLife started screwing with me again and kicked me out and started giving me the same strange messages when I attempted to log in again.

When I at last succeeded to get inworld again it was 7 am in my first life and I was starting to fall asleep over my key board so I had to make my excuses soon afterwards to go to bed and catch some sleep..

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rewriting the Rules

NEO is the blond dude sitting
Ars and I had many things in common. One of them was our deep love for SecondLife.

Although I have lately gotten (un)friendly suggestions that I should perhaps consider emigrating to another world, I have no plans to do so  - ever. The other worlds hold no fascination for me, as they only seem to be cheaper knockoffs of SecondLife.

Today NE0 Timeless has a post where he shows us two parts from a documentary called "Digital Nation".

NEO tells us it makes him proud to be a SecondLife user. Well, I am as proud as you are, NEO!

Watch the two videos on NEO´s blog "Free Your Mind", "Digital Nation, parts 6 and 7 - SecondLife (url).

Oh, and after seeing those videos. no one will ever be able to tell me that Philip Rosedale (a.k.a. Philip Linden in SecondLife) has ever lost faith in his creation. I love that man again, purely, simply and platonically! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shocking News x 3

You had better sit down before reading this post. I will emphatically refuse responsibility for any injuries or damages (physical, mental, emotional or whatever) caused to you before, during or after reading it..

1. Laird refused sex by Canadian biker dude

Read the background to this story here..

The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls reportedly took this news with great composure although tears could be seen in his eyes.

"We must always rejoice when our friends find true love. The reasons he gives for this decision are all valid and I will do my best to support him in keeping that resolution", he said with a slight tremor in his voice.

2. Eating cat meat may kill you

Read the background to this story here.(Tip by buddy sirhc DeSantis is gratefully acknowledged)

The laird´s reaction to this story was utter disgust. "Ewww you meant to say they still do that? There isn´t much meat on them after all, just look at my buddy. Skin and bones he is, skin and bones!"

3. Renewal of old friendship

In the aftermath of the recent drama created by the two harridans of the virtual worlds it is reported that Gittrika Mint and the laird have decided to let bygones be bygones and have exchanged mutual excuses for past wrongdoings.

"Gittrika acted in a most courageous, magnanimous and forgiving way by speaking out in that drama despite our differences. I will always remember that and in the light of this bravery our past differences seem very trifling indeed.", said the laird when commenting this story. "We have, however, respectfully agreed to disagree on a certain topic but will not let that stop us from doing the right thing. I am very happy that something good came out of that pitiful incident."

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Prevention of Historical Revisionism

Before moving along, as I promised to do yesterday, I am taking the precautionary measure of posting this extract from the comments on the mudslingers blog. This because I was alerted today about the fact that comments and even entire blog posts so easily disappear. (Copy/pasted here but I have used my snipping tool as well). 

The benefit of copy/pasting is that you can copy and get the comments translated yourselves, as I have now also been accused of having made an incorrect translation.

The only thing I have changed below are the names of the two harridans of the virtual worlds and the links to the blog post or the identities of the other two, I am instead using the more suitable names I have chosen for them.

Now, I am done with those two and my beautiful world is waiting.. 

"The extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz" sa...
Jag har själv blivit mobbad av Bock McMillan som attackerade mig våldsamt i sin egen blogg samt strök mig från alla tänkbara vänlistor och skrev hemska kommentarer i min blogg. Varför vet jag inte. Jag fick aldrig någon ursäkt heller. 

Folk påstod att det var synd om honom och att han inte visste vad han gjorde. Whatever. Såna dramaqueens går fetbort i min värld iaf. Troligen är det bara så att "kärringen" är ur balans och måste ha nån att slå på ibland.
Happy New Year! :]
"The mudslinger" sa...
-Trodde du redan att gjort det Kandi - en sån lysande feministisk journalist som du, Tina har i alla fall skrivit om detta tidigare. 
Kalla mig censor då kan du lika gärna sparka mig i skrevet, dra mig i håret och sätta tummen i ögat - då förbehåller jag mig rätten att slå tillbaka med full kraft. Det är inte som prydnad jag har med länken till Reportrar utan gränser.
-Vi har alla sett Bock strö dricks omkring sig på olika danskvällar - vem vill schavottera med en tummad tjuga efter Prinsens fabulösa donation.
Vi som inte varit med så länge vet ju inte ens om Ars har funnits eller om det är en alt i syfte att iscensätta någon vonDardelsk installation. -När du gav dig på Kynlif gav du dig på fel person. Hon förlorade båda sina föräldrar i en bilolycka för fem sex år sedan. Trots det reste hon sig snabbt gav sina barn en fin uppväxt och förde sitt egna företag till blomstring. Hon kanske inte sagt något, jag vet att hon avskyr när någon ömkar henne.
Vare sig du eller Mera/Vesper/Alessia förtjänar något svar, men jag vill bara säga att du borde skämmas Vanadis för att ens ifrågasätta Ars existens eller betydelse i mitt och andras liv.

Så långt som att undersöka hur det verkligen förhåller sig med detta sträckte sig tydligtvis inte din journalistiska begåvning eller integritet.

Jag beklagar Kynlifs olycka och gratulerar till att hon förmådde återhämta sig så snabbt. Jag visste dock inte att hon därmed had fastställt vilken tidtabell min sorg skulle följa.

Jag förstår fortfarande inte heller när eller på vilket sätt jag någonsin skulle ha gett mig på Kynlif, men det är egalt nu.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Where Do I Go From Here?

After reading the mudslingers vicious attack on my Ars memory yesterday I was in turmoil and totally confused because I could not see it coming.

It is true the mudslinger and I have a history of miscommunication but that she would - or even could wish to - drag my Ars into the equation was totally unexpected and extremely hurtful.

After I had sent out the note card to everyone on my friendslist in SecondLife asking them to bear witness to Ars existence, I got many questions about the identity of the mudslinger and kind advise telling me to ignore the foolish person and let it lay.

I am not going to name the mudslinger at this point in time, as I wish her no harm. Her identity and her blog is however known to many of the other Swedes in SecondLife and they can also testify to the fact that she has actually brought forth the accusations that I have stated.

The mudslinger is dust to me now and has lost any credibility she may have had. I wish no further contact with her ever again. Should she, however. at any point in the future,  leave a comment on my blog again I will name her, her blog and link to the post where she sullies the memory of Ars.

The same of course applies to her crony, the extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz with her many avatars. Both of theses two harridans of the virtual worlds have spit on me and the memory of my Ars. The extraterrestrial hag did so only a few weeks after Ars passed away by raising the question if love in the virtual worlds was at all real love or even possible in any correct interpretation of the word.

As to the kind suggestions from many who wish me well, that I should ignore what had happened and let it lay, I can only say that it was never an option for me. I am sure it is a personality disorder of some kind, but I don´t care.

Once again I would like to thank all those of my family and friends in SecondLife who rallied to protect Ars´s memory. I would also like to thank all those friends and strangers who have sent me kind messages inworld or by e-mail. I will try to get back to you all as soon as possible!

I am sorry this post comes so late, but as an aftermath of yesterdays experiences I was completely exhausted when I got back from work today. What should have been a one hour nap turned into a three hours one.

Now, I am going to leave this behind me and never revisit it again. The middle part of yesterday was not a day I wish to remember. I will see you inworld tomorrow!