Thursday, January 5, 2012

What You Need To Know About CPR

(via copyranter)

Shocking News x 3

You had better sit down before reading this post. I will emphatically refuse responsibility for any injuries or damages (physical, mental, emotional or whatever) caused to you before, during or after reading it..

1. Laird refused sex by Canadian biker dude

Read the background to this story here..

The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls reportedly took this news with great composure although tears could be seen in his eyes.

"We must always rejoice when our friends find true love. The reasons he gives for this decision are all valid and I will do my best to support him in keeping that resolution", he said with a slight tremor in his voice.

2. Eating cat meat may kill you

Read the background to this story here.(Tip by buddy sirhc DeSantis is gratefully acknowledged)

The laird´s reaction to this story was utter disgust. "Ewww you meant to say they still do that? There isn´t much meat on them after all, just look at my buddy. Skin and bones he is, skin and bones!"

3. Renewal of old friendship

In the aftermath of the recent drama created by the two harridans of the virtual worlds it is reported that Gittrika Mint and the laird have decided to let bygones be bygones and have exchanged mutual excuses for past wrongdoings.

"Gittrika acted in a most courageous, magnanimous and forgiving way by speaking out in that drama despite our differences. I will always remember that and in the light of this bravery our past differences seem very trifling indeed.", said the laird when commenting this story. "We have, however, respectfully agreed to disagree on a certain topic but will not let that stop us from doing the right thing. I am very happy that something good came out of that pitiful incident."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Parading the Colors

When I put in my order for the McMillan tartan with full regalia for my buddy sirhc DeSantis, the beautiful designer Elle74 Zaftig ordered her seamstresses to work at full speed. With the delivery of sirhc´s present she also gifted me a full new outfit of the newly designed version.

I absolutely love it, so after the photo exhibition I took a walk around the estates. Although it was a windy evening the cold breezes didn´t get at my ba...uhmmm testis, not much anyhow. All was calm on the sim and all the animals were accounted for.

On the picture you see me parading the clan-colors next to a jar made by the artist Second Renoir. She is according to rumor actually a well known artist in first life also. She is also the first life sister of Mrs. Blanche cbreak.

I have quite a few of those jars placed around the sim, they are great focal-points.

cbreak´s Photo Exhibition

The artist and his wife in front of a piece I bought
Today I looked in at cbreak´s first exhibition in SecondLife of his first life photography. I had been planning to go to the opening the past weekend, but some crap got under my shoe.

I must say I liked a lot of what I saw. Some things more than others, but isn´t that the way it always is? Some pieces actually struck me as being a fusion between first and second life in a very interesting way although, I am sure, all the pictures were taken before cbreak had joined us in SecondLife.

While I was looking around I was joined by the artist himself and his partner Blanche (née Argus). We had a pleasant talk about his work and the fact that they had met, fallen in love and partnered so early in his second life. My conclusion to the happy two was, that whenever you meet love just accept it.

It should be worthwhile for anyone interested in photography or art to make a visit. cbreak hasn't gotten used to the SL artists exorbitant rates yet, so he is selling his stuff dirt cheap.

Take the SLurl to the exhibition.The exhibition continues through January 8.

Sane or Insane?

Prosecutor Svein Holden, said in a letter to the Oslo district court today that three psychologists and one psychiatrist at Ila prison in Oslo, where the mass murderer A.B.B. is held in pretrial detention, informed him they have not observed any signs that he is neither psychotic or schizophrenic. The prison has not started medication of A.B.B. or  seen any need to move him to another facility. Neither have any signs of suicidal tendencies been noticed.

These findings contradict the report of the court appointed team of psychiatrists which found that A.B.B. was legally insane and suffering from psychotic schizophrenia, see "Legally Insane". These findings have earlier been disputed by the Swedish psychiatrist Johan Cullberg, see "Sane Enough".

I guess we will have to wait and see how the courts rules on this issue, but the line between sanity and insanity is sometimes very, very thin. I am logging into my SecondLife to go see a first life photo exhibition by cbreak.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sean Chapin - "I'm Married and I Know It"

(via J.M.G.)

Prevention of Historical Revisionism

Before moving along, as I promised to do yesterday, I am taking the precautionary measure of posting this extract from the comments on the mudslingers blog. This because I was alerted today about the fact that comments and even entire blog posts so easily disappear. (Copy/pasted here but I have used my snipping tool as well). 

The benefit of copy/pasting is that you can copy and get the comments translated yourselves, as I have now also been accused of having made an incorrect translation.

The only thing I have changed below are the names of the two harridans of the virtual worlds and the links to the blog post or the identities of the other two, I am instead using the more suitable names I have chosen for them.

Now, I am done with those two and my beautiful world is waiting.. 

"The extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz" sa...
Jag har själv blivit mobbad av Bock McMillan som attackerade mig våldsamt i sin egen blogg samt strök mig från alla tänkbara vänlistor och skrev hemska kommentarer i min blogg. Varför vet jag inte. Jag fick aldrig någon ursäkt heller. 

Folk påstod att det var synd om honom och att han inte visste vad han gjorde. Whatever. Såna dramaqueens går fetbort i min värld iaf. Troligen är det bara så att "kärringen" är ur balans och måste ha nån att slå på ibland.
Happy New Year! :]
"The mudslinger" sa...
-Trodde du redan att gjort det Kandi - en sån lysande feministisk journalist som du, Tina har i alla fall skrivit om detta tidigare. 
Kalla mig censor då kan du lika gärna sparka mig i skrevet, dra mig i håret och sätta tummen i ögat - då förbehåller jag mig rätten att slå tillbaka med full kraft. Det är inte som prydnad jag har med länken till Reportrar utan gränser.
-Vi har alla sett Bock strö dricks omkring sig på olika danskvällar - vem vill schavottera med en tummad tjuga efter Prinsens fabulösa donation.
Vi som inte varit med så länge vet ju inte ens om Ars har funnits eller om det är en alt i syfte att iscensätta någon vonDardelsk installation. -När du gav dig på Kynlif gav du dig på fel person. Hon förlorade båda sina föräldrar i en bilolycka för fem sex år sedan. Trots det reste hon sig snabbt gav sina barn en fin uppväxt och förde sitt egna företag till blomstring. Hon kanske inte sagt något, jag vet att hon avskyr när någon ömkar henne.
Vare sig du eller Mera/Vesper/Alessia förtjänar något svar, men jag vill bara säga att du borde skämmas Vanadis för att ens ifrågasätta Ars existens eller betydelse i mitt och andras liv.

Så långt som att undersöka hur det verkligen förhåller sig med detta sträckte sig tydligtvis inte din journalistiska begåvning eller integritet.

Jag beklagar Kynlifs olycka och gratulerar till att hon förmådde återhämta sig så snabbt. Jag visste dock inte att hon därmed had fastställt vilken tidtabell min sorg skulle följa.

Jag förstår fortfarande inte heller när eller på vilket sätt jag någonsin skulle ha gett mig på Kynlif, men det är egalt nu.