Thursday, February 2, 2012

The SEMA 2011

A new prize has been constituted by Apollon Allen, Vira Broome and NE0 Timeless in Swedish SecondLife, "The Swedish Event Makers Award" (SEMA).

The purpose of the SEMA is to celebrate the creative and committed avatars for their efforts during the past year. All the nominees are presented in the video above. At the festivities on Saturday the SEMA 2011 the event makers themselves will be celebrated.

What: The SEMA 2011
When Saturday February 4, 2012, 1 PM - 3 PM SLT
Where: Fallen Gods Club (SLurl) (Reopening of the club)
Clothing: Gala (which means tartan for me)
Host/DJ: Apollon Allen

The generous donors welcome everyone to the event on Saturday!

LiIVE: UK Supreme Court, Part 2

Today the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom continues it´s hearing at 10.30-16.00 GMT (02.30-08.00 AM SLT) in the case of Julian Assange (Appellant) v. The Swedish Judicial Authority(Respondent) concerning his extradition to Sweden.

The issue that is to be heard is"whether a European Arrest Warrant (“EAW”) issued by a public prosecutor is a valid Part 1 EAW issued by a “judicial authority” for the purpose and within the meaning of sections 2 and 66 of the Extradition Act 2003."

You can follow the proceedings here. (Url)

For additional information see my previous post LIVE: UK Supreme Court Hears Assange

Hopefully Cloudy

Its Groundhog Day. According to American folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog looks out from its burrow on this day then spring will come early. If it is sunny, the groundhog will see its shadow and go back into its hole and the winter weather will continue for six more weeks.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Apmel Made Me Do It

This picture is just to prove that the Swedish blogger, my bosom buddy and enfant terrible, Apmel Goosson is spreading damned lies in his post  "My Avatars Name Is Apmel; More People Are Jumping On The Trend".

This was the one I was going to post when Apmel F-O-R-C-E-D me to get naked to promote his and Kandinsky Beaumont´s event on Solace Island on Sunday. I feel cheapened and exploited. Do not believe the horrible mans lies! (OK, I admit I was not hard to convince but anyway...)

It is well known in both lives that I am the most patient man in SecondLife, everyone tells me so all the time! It is not yet widely known that I am also in fact one of the shyest avatars in existence.

There is a lesson to be learned from this everyone; "Don´t trust the straight guys, they only want our bodies!"

...and yes you are correct in believing this post is grossly exaggerated...

Blog Stats for January 2012

Bock in SecondLife reached a new all time high during January 2012. The number of pageviews for January 2012 is 14 334 pageviews, while December 2011 had 10 814 pageviews and November 2011 had 12 711 pageviews.

The previous records were set in October 2011 (13 436 pageviews), September 2011 (12 749 pageviews) and July 2011 (12 477 pageviews). I should imagine that this record was reached much due to the traffic caused by the uproar that followed on New Years Day when Ars´s existence was drawn into question by a mudslinger.

Sweden still leads as my all time largest reader country with 60 520 pageviews, while the United States comes in at 40 448 pageviews and the United Kingdom in third place with 6 252 pageviews.

The three largest language groups among my readers in January 2011 were English (59,1 %), Swedish (25,5 %) and German (8,3 %).

Please note The aforementioned pageviews do not include my own visits as I have used the opportunity Blogger offers to exclude visits from my own browser from the stats.

LIVE: UK Supreme Court hears Assange

On February 1 and 2, 2012, at 10.30-16.00 GMT (02.30-08.00 AM SLT) you can see the live broadcast from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom hearing in the case of Julian Assange (Appellant) v. The Swedish Judicial Authority (Respondent) concerning his extradition to Sweden.

The issue that is to be heard is "whether a European Arrest Warrant (“EAW”) issued by a public prosecutor is a valid Part 1 EAW issued by a “judicial authority” for the purpose and within the meaning of sections 2 and 66 of the Extradition Act 2003."

You can follow the proceedings here. (Url)

Background (from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
"The appellant, Julian Assange, is the founder of Wikileaks. Assange is the subject of a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) issued by the Swedish Prosecution Authority, which sets out allegations of four offences of unlawful coercion and sexual misconduct, including rape. Assange surrendered himself for arrest in the UK and, following a hearing, his extradition to Sweden was ordered. Assange appealed to the Divisional Court against his extradition on four grounds. He lost on all four grounds and the order requiring his extradition was upheld.
The High Court refused Assange permission to appeal to the Supreme Court but certified one issue raised by his case as being of ‘general public importance’. The Supreme Court subsequently granted permission to appeal on this issue.
In certifying this issue, the High Court made clear its view that Assange’s chances of success in the Supreme Court are ‘extraordinarily slim’. Should this appeal fail, his only further remedy is to apply to the European Court of Human Rights, which will reply within 14 days stating whether it accepts the case. If the ECtHR agrees to hear the case, Assange will remain in the UK on his current bail conditions while the matter is decided. If the ECtHR declines to hear the case, he will be extradited to Sweden to face trial."

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Early Notice for Sunday

"Kikas and Marma are back!
Extraordinary Adventures in an Uncontrollable Environment of Unexpected Dangers and Temptations has struck them while the rest of us have been trotting on safely in our dull everyday lives.
But they managed to document all and now they will give us proof of their survival ability!
All this gibberish means: a totally new show, all scenes are new and never before shown!
Have you never seen Kikas and Marma? Be sure not to miss them, they are unique entertainers.
Come see them at Place des Petits Bourgeois (SLurl) now on Sunday the 5th! The show starts at 1PM SL-time.

Shortly after 2PM there will be music and dance and DJ is the excellent Eifach (Url), well known from at least a couple of worlds.
Be safe, be in good time!
Kandinsky Beaumont and Apmel Goosson"

I will be there for sure, especially to check out that DJ Eifach. Back in 2007 I did a translation to Swedish for a German film about SecondLife for someone named Eifach. I wonder if it could be the same guy...?