Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Viking Gods - A Dance & Music Show

What: The Viking Gods - a dance & music show in five acts, the show will be followed by a mingle and dance party to the music of DJ Apollon.

When: Wednesday April 4, 2012, 12 PM SLT

Where: The Gimle Theater at the Yadkin sim in SecondLife (SLurl)

Who: Everyone in formal dress (Please remove all unnecessary HUDs and scripted objects before arrival to prevent lag during the show. You will be welcome to put them back on for the mingle and dance.)

Why. Because it will be crazy fun and you will have as good a time as you allow yourself to have.

W E L C O M E !

Monday, April 2, 2012

Well, We Had A Good Run

Yesterday was of course April Fools Day. I and my wife-for-a-day the lovely Iendi Laville had a very busy day the day before preparing our joint prank. Now we were waiting and chatting in IM for the time when both our blog posts were going to be published simultaneously at 2 AM SLT.

We had decided on doing this little hoax on Friday evening and had been very busy during parts of the Saturday with the preparation and implementation of our small project. Everything came together very nicely. We worked well together and had loads of fun while doing it.

By pure lack it turned out that the colors of the flowers in Iendi´s bouquet matched perfectly with the tuxedo vest I was wearing. We created a short queue at the Chapel of Dreams, with me crashing twice and leaving the poor woman standing alone at the altar and with sharing the longest kiss ever recorded in Christendom because the animation refused to show up on my screen. Anyway finally we had all the great pictures we needed to illustrate the prank and went to write up our stories.

We shared the pictures and the outlines of our respective posts with each other via e-mail. Iendi was so sweet as not to point out that I, through some Freudian slip, had forgotten to include the most important picture in my post, the wedding kiss itself. A few hours after the post had been published I was reminded of it by a comment on the post by my friend Diana.

All in all, I must summarize my day of being married with a woman as great fun. Iendi was a wonderful collaborator even if she jokingly pestered me with - unfulfilled I hasten to add - requests for sex so she could report her successful mission in converting me to "the straight and narrow path" to her sisters and her friends.

Make Your Experience Count

This is the biggest ever European survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender people (LGBT). The survey is looking for responses from anyone who considers themself to be LGB and/or T, who is aged 18 years and above and lives in the European Union or Croatia.
The survey is being carried out by The Gallup Organisation Europe on behalf of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), an agency of the European Union. The FRA helps to ensure that fundamental rights of people living in the EU are protected. It does this by collecting evidence about the situation of fundamental rights across the European Union and providing advice, based on evidence, about how to improve the situation.
Your participation in the survey is very important. Your answers will be processed in an anonymous way ensuring that it will not be possible for anyone to recognise your answers when the results are presented. You can read more in the privacy statement.
The questions will take up to around 20 minutes to answer.
If you have a few more minutes and would like to share your individual experiences, you are welcome to provide more information at the end of the survey.

Why is the survey important?
Besides occasional news reports about discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people, there is very little comparable data collected across the EU about the everyday experiences of LGBT people with respect to discrimination.

Based on the survey results, national and European policy makers as well as non-governmental or civil society organisations will be able to better target their advocacy strategies and activities to support the LGBT community to live and express themselves freely without discrimination.

In order to give weight to the results, the European LGBT Survey counts on the participation of a large and diverse group of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people from each country.

This is the first EU-wide effort to collect LGBT experiences in the framework of the ever largest survey made in this field – make yours count as well!

Just do it, guys and girls, this is important!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Egg Hunt at *Virtually Gorgeous*

I got an IM from my sweet friend Carol Pixelmaid, fashion designer and owner of the soon-to-be-famous *Virtually Gorgeous* label and store in SecondLife.
"Hey Bock, I am having a little Mini Easter Egg Hunt at my store, and I wondered if you would pass the note on to your friends, or alts, the outfit is cute and the hunt is easy."
If I were you I would not believe the easy part of that message (I still remember with dread the time I spent five hours in Vampi´s shop trying to find another "easy" egg), but here are some more instructions for you.
"*Virtually Gorgeous* is having a mini Easter Egg hunt, throughout the month of April.
The Hunt consists of, 6 eggs, each containing a gift, that make up the "Sexy Chick Look" The Yellow Easter Eggs are hidden around the store! *Virtually Gorgeous* Main Store (SLurl) 
Make sure you join in the Easter Fun, and get yours!
Hugs, Carol Pixelmaid <3"
When you get to the store inworld, please note that Carol also has a store with furniture and more cool stuff next to the fashion store. I am hoping that,you have already noticed that I have a link to Carol´s store blog Virtually Gorgeous in my blogroll.

Ughhh this reminds me I need to start thinking about making Easter cards, with my blushing bride Iendi craving all my intention that will be difficult... Why are women so difficult to satisfy, I wonder?

UPDATE April 2, 2012: I can now proudly report that I concluded the egg hunt yesterday. It took me about an hour to find the first one, but after that - when I had figured out how the sneaky little Carol was thinking - I found all six eggs in about 20 minutes. It was fun!

A Message from Jessica & al.

Well, this isn´t the worst career choice a group of talented young kids could make, is it?

We Eloped!

I haven´t publicly admitted to what I am now going to tell you all. I have been "scared straight" by my recent encounter with my own mortality, much like the Welch man who in this video tells us about how he was "scared gay" by a stroke not long ago.

Well anyway, ever since that awful Friday I have been looking at women in a completely new way and have also felt a strong yearning to become a father. I have looked at all the sweet women around me and have been enthralled by their wonderfully rounded and blooming shapes. Most of all I have been looking particularly close at Ms. Iendi Laville.
I must now confess that I have fallen in love with her gorgeous beauty, her gregarious laughter, her endearing personality and her ability to be outspoken and argue her case. She is in fact one of the few who have been able to talk sense into me and to make me shut up. To my everlasting joy it seems she feels the same for me, so today we decided to go ahead and "just do it". We eloped to get married without consulting our respective friends.
The impromptu ceremony has taken place at the charming Chapel of Dreams. It has been the most wonderful wedding ceremony I have ever witnessed and we have been both sparkling and lighthearted through it all. No regrets yet, and I do not expect any the next 25 years.
Please take careful notice of this very particular date, my dear friends and readers! This is a memory and a woman I will cherish and keep for the rest of my life. I speak for sweet Iendi and myself when I say we will always wish to be reminded of this very special day indeed.. Rejoice with us!

You can read more and see pictures about this event on my dearest wifes, The Much Honored Iendi Laville-McMillan, lady of Yadkin and Southern Charm, blog Iendi and the SL Mystery; "We Eloped..."

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blog Stats for March 2012

The total number of pageviews for Bock in SecondLife in March 2012 is 16,569 which is a new all time high for the blog. January 2012 held the previous record of 14,334 pageviews.

Sweden still leads as my all time largest reader country with 64,514 pageviews, while the United States comes in at 51,384 pageviews and theUnited Kingdom in third place with 7,909 pageviews.

The three largest language groups among my readers in March 2012 are English (66,7 %), Swedish (12,5 %) with Polish, Dutch and German in joint third place.(3,1 %).