Saturday, April 7, 2012

My First Night With Feline

DJ Feline with the studelicious sidekick Shorty
Words are not enough to describe my first time with DJ Feline. It was great, wonderful, sublime, awesome and any other positive adjective you may want to throw in, but most of all it was utterly intense!
Butch grooving and moving
I am so grateful to my dear buddy Butch Diavolo for leading me to this source of pure bliss and sharing the experience with me at The Sanctuary yesterday. Dank je mijn lieve vriend, je hebt me erg gelukkig! ...or something to that effect, Google Translator is not always reliable as we all know...

My ex-missus and wife-for-a-day Iendi Laville and the "prima donna assoluta" of SecondLife my friend Ewa Aska joined us. Ewa had a toyboy in tow who was easy on the eyes but did not speak or respond to greeting or questioning.
We danced and had a good time until dawn came - as it must - even when you are in Trance heaven.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Greetings 2012

I didn't sleep well last night, so I was rather uninspired when I was going to do my Easter card this year. Luckily my buddy Butch Diavolo teleported me over to his new house to check out what he had accomplished.

When I saw the beautiful sofa from Black Karbon I went for that and snapped this shot. You should count yourself extremely lucky that you were not exposed to my bushy little bunny tail... just saying!

Laying Down The Rules

I utterly detest spam, both in my e-mail and in SecondLife group chats. More than once I have left groups which I thought were just too disturbing due to the occurrence of spamming.

About two years ago I and three others were made moderators in the "Swedish People in SL" group by PetGirl Bergman, who once created that group.

With the title comes the responsibility to enforce the three simple rules in that group.
1. No questions about anyone's first life in the group chat.
2. No advertising of products in the group chat without prior consent from the owner or one of the moderators.
3. No spamming with notices of ongoing events. Anyone in the group is welcome to announce an event, but it is not allowed to announce the same event more than once every 30 minutes.

Not that difficult to understand for any grown up person of normal intelligence one would think, huh? Well yesterday evening three avatars were taking turns announcing the same event every 10-20 minutes to the point were it go extremely tedious and disrupting to the rest of the group.

To make matters worse one of those involved had been warned by me personally for spamming the group just a few evenings ago. On that occasion she blamed chat lag in the group. to which I answered that she had been in SecondLife for more than four and a half years and should be well aware of that chat lag sometimes occurs and how that should be handled. The natural thing to do in that situation is of course to wait until it eventually pops up in the group chat or til you get the message from the system that the message will not go through. What you should never do is to re-post the same message repeatedly if it does not turn up at once.

With the responsibility of being a group moderator come certain privileges. I can hand out warnings for breeches of the group rules and - if the the conditions of warnings are not adhered to - I can also disallow text chat from the culprit for a specified period of time or eject them from the group.

So I reminded the three avatars taking turns about the consequences of not abiding by the rules. I took special care to spell it out to the female avatar I had talked to a few evenings earlier. When the next announcement came about only 20 minutes later I shut her off from the group.

I then got an IM from her asking me questions like "Who made you God?", "Why did I shut her off because her message came 20 minutes after the previous message from one of the other two and 20 minutes was almost 30 minutes?" and "A few nights earlier there had been a lot of spamming in another group and no one had done anything about it so why was I being so strict?"

The questions were easily answered and she soon settled down and asked me for how long she would be shut off. I told her I was considering having her shut off until Sunday but that I would let her back in if she talked with the other two and gave me a promise that they would follow the rules. After discussing the matter with the other two she came back to me and told me they were all sorry and would follow the rules in future. I then allowed her back into the group chat and the altercation was finished with the sharing of Easter greetings and mutual hugs.

Otherwise yesterday was a slow and sad day.

During the semi-drama I was told that one of my best friends sister had passed away at an early age. Afterwards I also had a short conversation with a close friend who confessed to me from out of the blue that she was now in a hospice and was certain of her fast approaching death, she was however in no pain and was well taken care of. After we had hugged and I had told her repeatedly that I would always love her and remember her she logged off. Finally I was informed that a very sweet and gentle male avatar, with whom I had a good and friendly relationship without being friends, had just passed away after being seriously ill for a short time.

These proofs of the frailty of our human lives and our sometimes strange priorities about what is important made me so sad and tired that I had to log off. For the longest while I could not fall asleep.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

At "The Viking Gods"

Yesterday was the all-worlds premiere of the music and dance show "The Viking Gods", written, produced, directed and starred by Ewa Aska, owner of the Gimle Theater on Yadkin sim. As you may have noticed I was asked to co-host the event with the amazing Svessa Hax-Beornsen.
To prevent lag the number of avatars on the sim was limited to 40 guests and the production team of ten avatars, including your truly and my wife-for-a-day Iendi Laville. As I was extremely busy with my chores before and during the show I did not have much time for taking pictures. I had also been assigned the arduous task of keeping a close eye on the honored guest Apmel Goosson, to see to it that he kept his clothes on. My burden was lightened a bit by the presence of Millimina Salamander during the greater part of the show (because Apmel usually behaves when my sister is around).
All the Swedish and International glitterati had squeezed into the sim, among them junivers Stockholm and his sweet partner Medora Chevallier.
Millimina and Apmel (with clothes)
After the show I was able to take some pictures while Apollon Allen supplied us with music for the dances.
Svessa and I
The ex-missus Iendi and I

Bigoted Christianists Exposed

(via J.M.G.)

This is a video you must watch!

In the video "American Fascist" DarkAntics rips into the self-promoting, bigoted, homophobic, anti-abortionist message of Christianist pastor Dennis Terry as the hating liar he is!

Although the not-so-good pastor is American we are exposed to the same message all over the world.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Excellent Teamwork

This is Svessa Hax, my wonderful co-host at yesterdays event "The Viking Gods" and myself celebrating that all went well. I must say we both did a bloody excellent job, and the actors and dancers were not half bad either. More about that tomorrow though, I have to go to bed.


The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, is preparing for his assignment as a host at the all worlds - and realities - premiere in SecondLife of "The Viking Gods - a music and dance show". Unfortunately he does not, like Cinderella, have animals to help him.

The laird is however heavily relying on the fact that the beautiful, witty and clever Mrs. Svessa Hax-Beornssen will be there to share the task.