Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Criminally Accountable

The Norwegian mass murderer A.B.B. is criminally accountable and may be sentenced to prison, according to the conclusion of the second psychiatric evaluation that was today handed to the District Court of Oslo, Norway.
A.B.B. as photographed by Heiko Junge
Psychiatrists Terje Törrisen and Agnar Aspaas conclude in their report that A.B.B. was "not psychotic at the time of the act," 

The second psychiatric evaluation was ordered by the court after the results of the first report were heavily criticized and contested by independent psychiatrists and testimony from the team of psychiatrists and other medical personnel at the prison where A.B.B. is being kept until the trial commences.

A.B.B. is to be tried on charges of terror and murder after killing 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage in Oslo City Center and in a youth camp on the island of Utøya on 22 July, 2011.

If you should wish to read my earlier posts on this, please click A.B.B. in the "Labels" below.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mr Gay World 2012

German born Andreas Derleth, 32 y.o., from Auckland, New Zealand has been crowned Mr. Gay World 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the Fourth Annual International Competition.
Andreas Derleth (far left) and the other top 5 in the swim wear competition,
It  is no surprise that Andreas won the swim wear competition.
I saw a headline somewhere about this hunky man that read "Brains, Brawn and Beauty" and I certainly will not disagree.

The Mr Gay World Organization  informs us "Andreas (Andy) Derleth is an operations project manager of Warehouse Stationery in New Zealand. Originally from Hassfurt, Germany, Andy has a Bachelor degree in business management. He has a passion for travel and sports and participated in the 2nd Asia-Pacific Outgames and is very excited to be going to Antwerp next year for the worldOutgames. Andy is in a long term relationship and on the 11-11-11 he entered in a same-sex civil union in New Zealand."
Andreas looks great even with clothes on his upper body.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

How rude!

Artistically enhanced
picture of Ms. Sex Toy
removed on her request.
Can you even imagine the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, being called "Mr. Bagpipe" by an Icelandic woman with the name "Sex Toy" (as directly translated from Icelandic by Google Translate)?

Well, it did indeed happen today, right after I had quite pleasantly told Ms. Sex Toy that we should do each other the courtesy of ignoring one another completely in the future. 

Such brazen effrontery and insolent shamelessness is fortunately not ordinarily encountered in polite company in SecondLife - or anywhere for that matter.

Update: After being requested by Ms. Kynlif Leikfang (see comments to this post) and due consideration, I have decided to remove my artistically enhanced picture of her. You can now see her picture in the comments instead.

As for Ms. Kynlif Leikfang referring to me as "Lauslátir Maður", which she claims means "promiscuous man" in Icelandic, I can only say that in every language I know anything about Google Translate shows me these translations. As far as I can see they all translate into "Free from dead man".
Translation to English

Translation to German

Translation to Spanish

Translation to Dutch

Translation to Danish

Translation to Norwegian

Translation to Swedish

The Men´s Dept

(via Watch and Wear)
"Running monthly beginning April 7, 2012, The Men’s Dept brings designers together to showcase wares geared towards the men of Second Life."


I am hoping to meet Apmel Goosson, Frostland Beornsen and all the other male fashionistas there!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Soon after I had logged inworld I got a notice in the KMADD Group about a fashion show. I haven´t been to one of these events for a very long time, so I thought to myself "Hell, why not?" and off I went.

The lag was of course atrocious in the beginning, but once they had restarted the sim things got much better. When I got back to the show I grabbed the first empty seat I saw hoping that no one was already sitting there.

As it turned out I ended up besides this very interesting looking man, who´s name was Dark Hennesy.

Following my usual urge, I checked out his profile and realized he was a part of the DeeTaleZ (SLurl) fashion company and actually partnered to that company´s owner and designer Steffi Villota. No wonder he looked so interesting.

Suddenly someone sat down on my right and I knew his name already, it was Frolic Mills of The Best of Second Life (BOSL).

So here we are sitting all lined up and hobnobbing, Frolic of BOSL, Bock of BMcM and Darki of DeeTaleZ. I am sure the other two had never heard of or seen me before, although I have seen Frolic around SecondLife several times earlier.

Da guyz, fashionistas
The show began with a few words from the MAD in KMADD, Maddox DuPont, who welcomed us and told us about the various designers in the evenings show. His whole style for the evening was well suited to the name of the show.

I will start by showing you the male looks, I got most of them on camera (except the last one due to a crash). The comments under each picture are my immediate thoughts when I saw the models.
Good only for a sports themed party
Oh well....ok...I guess...
Seen it before
Beautiful (This is the men´s look I liked best)
Ughhhh! Yikes! You cannot be serious? Imaginative and the blue is nice.
I totally hated the boots and the visor
All in all not too bad, but I must admit that I am still not particularly thrilled by mesh-details in men´s fashion.

As I have probably told you before, but I much prefer clothing that adapts to the body instead of the other way around. I also like it when clothes flow like natural material (cloth, leather etc.) instead of appearing like one is wearing armored plate as a gladiator or a knight in medieval times.

Now for the women´s looks. As usual these were more imaginative, creative, funny and beautiful.
Nice colors but whats new?
Fun - but still hate the Trekkie visor
Woohoo - this and one of my jester hats, perfect!
Very classy! My favorite in the women´s looks.
Huh, nice red but then what...?
Nice but old

New Header April 2012

I am celebrating the arrival of spring in my part of the world with this new header for the blog and a new profil picture.

Who needs Photoshop when you have the amazing Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, huh? Well, it is an easy way out for us amateurs that have less talent than the professional graphic designers.

What do you think? Is there anything I should change? Kandinsky, how do my eyes look?

Sleepless in SecondLife

Ziggy and I
When I logged out from SecondLife after Feline´s set at The Sanctuary yesterday (see previous post), I was happy, tired and sleepy and was looking forward to a good nights sleep.

As a part of my regular ritual my bedroom had been had been well aired while I took off my clothes, brushed my teeth and washed myself. The room was exactly the right chilly temperature that I like when I crawled under the duvet, but the second my drowsy head hit my fluffed up, eiderdown filled, soft and well chilled pillow there was an almost audible ***Bazinga!*** ...and I was wide awake again.

I am not unaccustomed to this phenomenon so I have strategies to handle that situation. I stay in bed, just rest and focus on myself breathing in and breathing out, breathing in and breathing out. Any thoughts that come up quickly whisked away as my focus is turned back to resting and breathing, in and out, in and out.

This usually works well for me, but when I hadn't fallen asleep after an hour of this, I go to the next step. Get out of bed and do something relaxing or boring. I had to make a choice; Dreary sitcoms on television or back into the world that never sleeps? I chose SecondLife.

As I was logging back in I thought I remembered that Wesley Spengler had a set for the Americas on Fridays so I went to his new club The Tribute.

Well I remembered wrong, there was no party there, but the radio was on a good channel and there were a couple of friendly guys chatting and dancing there anyway. I joined them and asked my buddy Ziggy Starsmith, who was also inworld, to come and join us.

Wesley Spengler
After a while Wesley himself joined us and we all had a good time chatting and dancing.

About an hour later I was ready for a new try with my bed and this time I was more successful and fell asleep the second before my head rested on the pillow.

I am a fortunate man, to have a world handy where I can always find rest, relaxation, good music and great company whenever I need it.