Sunday, April 29, 2012

Special Treatment

By some Freudian slip a certain part of yesterday had completely slipped my mind until I just received these pictures from Iendi Laville in my email.

I made a donation to Second Pride 2012 at the fundraiser yesterday. Helyo Mendes,  owner of Le 5eme élément, told me that such a donation had to earn me "a special treatment"

So here are the pictures of the lap dance i got from dear Helyo, I am sure we would still be doing it if I had not told him I would make another donation of the same size if he let me go!

It was really fun but the lag did something to my camera and I couldn't take pictures myself. "Luckily" Iendi was there and extremely willing to document the event for "historical purposes". Iendi tells me I looked really scared, but of course I wasn't! I have had sexy men climbing all over me and rubbing their hot bodies against me frequently.

Bock Comes Home

Oh what an evening! I started my reentry much later than originally scheduled due to an unexpected maintenance nap that lasted longer than planned and left me dazed and believing I am going mad. (And I can already hear the snickering "Did he write ´going mad´, that dude has been mad as a blind hatter for years!") Anyhow, I may tell you about that in a post sometime.

The evening started with my friend Kahvy Sands reminding me that I had been invited to a ballroom dance that evening, and was late.

I felt like young Anton Hysén floating all over the floor like I had never done anything else. It was of course my dance partner Ms Jayde who made me look good, with some help from the Intan dance ball.

After the ballroom dancing I had a quick smoke and then a change of clothes to get my little ass over to the fundraiser for Second Pride 2012 at the French Le 5eme Élément Club.

The club is owned and operated by my old friend Helyo Mendes (we met at Second Pride 2008) and his business partner Lilou.

I was joined at the club by my wife-for-a-day Iendi Laville. We danced and chatted away in broken French and English to the great Techno Trance music of the cute and awesome DJ TITAZ. And you are correct, TITAZ is a bit blurry. We could not find anyone who could help translate the term "rebake" to French.
Iendi left me at a late/early hour but I was still not finished, so when I saw the notice from Kharissa Indigo that Wesley Spengler was having a set coming up at The Tribute I went there to round off my evening.

The room was packed with hunky and funny men chatting away like crazy in local, Wes and Khar are good at keeping the chat going in local and all the old-timers and the newcomers fall in.
Khar and Larz Kaz

 I had a wonderful time all evening, and it felt like coming home again.

Joe.My.God. Eighth Blogoversary

Congratulations are due today to the Joe.My.God Blog and it´s writer Mr. Joe Jervis of New York, N.Y.

This is actually one of the best blogs I have ever had the pleasure to read. The blog has a personal mix of political news, music, science frivolities, well you name it and I am sure Joe has a post or two about it. And please always make sure to read the comments, J.M.G. has a following of brilliant, dedicated, funny and knowledgeable readers who have a great sense of humor and vast experiences which they willingly share.

To be able to read the comments, and perhaps comment yourself, you - if you live outside the United States - need to change the blogs web-address to you have to do this every day or so, but the rewards are great.)

This hassle is due to Google´s shitty new policy of nationalizing the web-address for those of us not in the U.S.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blue & Non-Blue

Did you know that you have blue USB ports and non-blue USB ports on your computer?

Well, I didn't until today. I have wasted most of my day trying to reach my Internet bank and have been told that I do not have the correct card holder. This problem seemed to be known to my bank and there were instructions about how I should handle it. I followed the instructions meticulously and to the letter and still got the same error message "Incorrect card holder".

After removing and re-installing the shitty programs 15-20 times and a nap to release my frustration, I finally caved in and called customer support.

The friendly guy on the other end first tried to take me through the steps that were published on the banks website, I snapped at him that I had already done those steps 200 times (mildly exaggerating) and they did not help me.

He then asked me if I had a new computer, which I answered in the affirmative. He then went on to ask me if the USB port I was using was blue. The question amazed me because I thought a USB port is a USB port is a USB port. Apparently that is no longer true, there are now blue USB ports and non-blue USB ports, and I needed a non-blue one for my banking card holder.

When I found a non-blue port on the back of my computer everything worked fine. I thought I heard a silent giggle when I hung up after thanking the support guy.

The call with customer support lasted about five (5) minutes, I am considering suing my bank for the mental pain and distress and emotional anguish they made me suffer and the time wasted for not informing me about the blue and non-blue USB ports on their website. (No not really... I hate those frivolous and costly lawsuits, but I will make sure to send them a not so sweet e-mail about it.)

SP 2012 Fundraiser at Le 5eme élément

"Host: DJ TITAZ.
Theme: Time Explorers
Music: Electro, Techno Trance

You’ll find donation kiosks in various places. On the Lagoon’s land, near games tables, inside 
Le 5eme élément (The 5th Element Club) but also on GAULE, on LUTECE, the educative sims of the Law University of Lyon 3. You will find a lot of games and surprises during this great evening.

Reserve your evening and be generous. This event will be followed on Sunday evening with : RADIO LILOU

The Lagoon’s team and the beneficiary association of your gifts depend on you to help and support them in their actions. Be generous, it will be the evening of your annual good action."

Join me and mingle with the elusive and elegant French gay men and women in SecondLife at a fundraiser for Second Pride 2012!

Slow Start

"I Miss Us" by and with Mauro Scocco is a good way to start the weekend.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Art work by Randi Strand
Mustering up to come back to my second life and blogging again after this strange week,

I started with a nap after work (which was supposed to last an hour but went on for five) and reading up on the other blogs.

As usual I started with the last updated blog on my blogroll and went down the list until I came to a blog post by my bosom buddy Apmel Goosson (Min avatar heter Apmel: Chatlog from the baddest LEA party ever!) which consisted of a complete log from local chat at some art event and consisted of 21 967 words.

After reading the ten first lines I decided that all was still well in the world and stopped reading. Even if my buddy had posted it for the purpose of future scientific research into the SecondLife art scene in 2012, it was asking a bit too much of me. I was again reminded why I have always detested reading chat logs.

Ziggy cruising a sexy toad,
the tongue, the tongue
Another buddy of mine, Ziggy Starsmith, has turned into a very cute and sexy pixie with the cloven hoofs of a bull. You can´t turn your back for a day until they shape shift on you.

More pictures of him can be found here; Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life: Petite Mesh Avatars...I Am Hooked.

On some of the blogs I have also read that there has been an "unscheduled maintenance" of our wonderful world which has caused some disruption

Well, I just wanted to let you all know I am doing fine and on my way back again. See you tomorrow!