Tuesday, May 15, 2012

No Regrets

Non, je ne regrette rien
Songwriters: Charles Dumont & Michel Vaucaire

Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait
Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal

Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
C'est payé, balayé, oublié
Je me fous du passé

Avec mes souvenirs, j'ai allumé le feu
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs, je n'ai plus besoin d'eux
Balayées les amours, avec leurs trémolos
Balayées pour toujours, je repars à zéro

Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait
Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal

Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie car mes joies
Aujourd'hui, ça commence avec toi

"La Môme Piaf" (The Little Sparrow) said it best!

As I am listening to Edith Piaf´s wonderful singing I ask myself - with a great deal of  bewilderment - how anyone in their right mind would dare ask me for an immediate excuse for some silliness, when they themselves have not asked for forgiveness for the great wrong the did to the memory of my Ars and to me on December 29, 2011?

Do people forget their own wrongdoings that fast? Do they not understand the hurt they intentionally cause others? Is the world going crazy, or is it only I?

Ziggy Speaks Up

Ziggy, looking studly as always, while preparing for battle with blind-TP offenders.
My buddy Ziggy Starsmith has never been one to hold back his opinions from fear or hesitation. The stud has now told us what he things about blind teleports in a post on his blog Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life; Blind Teleport Offers... Blind TP´s

I could not agree more with what Ziggy tells us in that post. Those blind teleport´s are a damn nuisance and should be met with harsh rebuke - or worse - until the people doing it realize that their actions will have unwelcome consequences for them.

The Other Gunman

Before the Norwegian mass-murderer and terrorist A.B.B. turned up on the scene on July 22, 2011, I was telling you about a gunman in Malmö (Sweden´s third largest city) who seemed to chose his victims among the.large immigrant population of Malmö.

When I last reported about this now 40 y.o. serial-killer on December 21, 2010, (More Charges Brought Against Gunman) he was suspected of three murders and ten attempted murders stretching from 2003 until 2010.

The laborious and complicated investigation has now been concluded and the prosecutor now charges him of three murders and twelve attempted murders. A further two investigated suspicions of murders/attempted murder had to be dropped from the charges as the prosecutor believed he could not conclusively prove the gunman´s guilt in those cases.

The trial started on Monday at Malmö District Court and is expected to go on for two months.

The Malmö-gunman has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Sweden has strict regulations concerning weapons but somehow this xenophobe succeeded in procuring a licence in 2002 and started killing only six months after he got his permit. The gunman used a Glock pistol to commit his crimes but with different barrels in an attempt to make it more difficult for the police to trace the bullets to the same gun.

The Norwegian mass-murderer A.B.B. mentioned the Malmö-gunman and a group of German neo-Nazis as examples of "patriots" taking up arms to fight multiculturalism in Europe, but the two are not believed to be linked with each other.

Monday, May 14, 2012

At the Opening of Outreach Island

Bock at the opening of Outreach Island
(photograpy by Eddi Haskell)
On Sunday I made a visit to the opening of Outreach Island in SecondLife.

This is a great project by Justin and Jared Palianta against the epidemic of "teen bullycides" (suicides due to tormenting by peers).

My camera was not working and my attention level was split due to - among other things - the fierce onset of a particularly bad case of the common cold (it killed the American Indians you know, so it may kill me too...) but my mentor Eddi Haskell has the story and the pictures on his blog today, Eddi Haskell´s Second Life; Second Life's LGBT Community Takes a Stand Against Teen Bullycides With The Opening of Outeach Island. Photographic Coverage of Today's Celebration of Life Event.

Eddi has all the vital info, but if you should need more please visit Second Life Outreach For Life.

P.S. I have seen that a few of you have sent me note cards in-world, I will pick them up tomorrow - promise!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Stay Away From Me

"Vanadis Falconer, you are not welcome to comment on this blog! The reason for this is your history of mudslinging  Nu räcker det, Bock!. Please stay away!"

That´s the message that will be given to the infamous - now trolling - mudslinger. In due course I may decide to just delete her comments, but for now that´s it. It has never ceased to amaze me that some people just cannot understand when they are not welcome.

This mudslinger and "her cousin" have actually even added me on Google+, which seems really strange to me considering. I blocked and ignored them both of course. The only thing these two can see from me is what I post as public. Their continued attention to me and my blog is unwelcome!

Whats so difficult to understand about
Leave me the hell alone!

Random Thoughts

Chaos (et ordre) Lionel Allorge, 2006
When I got in-world yesterday I was in a splendid mood. It had been a good day and I knew what I was going to do and where I was going to go, even if I was going alone.

So there I was, the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls with my Saturday evening and early night planned with the most exciting and amazing events.

And all my well laid plans came crashing down right at the start because the first event didn't start when it was supposed to. It was a release party for a new Swedish Techno album that was announced to start at 1 PM SLT at a certain place. I tried going there about three minutes into the party and first got the message that the sim was full, when I tried again ten minutes later there wasn't a single soul, not even the artist himself. It infuriated me so much that I deleted the blog post I had made about the event yesterday

I am sorry to say, but I am rather anal about keeping appointments and if there is a cock-up or a change that this be announced to the interested parties in a timely fashion. (Hell, I still haven´t forgiven my dear buddy Bara Jonson for not turning up at his own bloody bachelor party four years ago - which I was hosting - leaving me alone at that event with three "working women" and a pimp/club owner. My Ars never laughed at me so much as that time, after he had made me simmer down.)

Well, it seems my bosom buddy Apmel Goosson made it to the event together with Kandinsky Beaumont and they had a fabulous time as he tells us on his blogpost about it today, Min avatar heter Apmel; Tack Bock

When I complained my misery in the Swedish group chat - hoping to attract attention from the artist himself or someone who was at the party - I instead got pounced on by a two week old noob who started telling me they had probably known I was coming and moved the party to avoid me.

It is rather unusual for noobs to be sassy with the laird, but I still did not make the connection at first. Not until she kept repeating herself and going on about it did I add two and two together and come up with the right conclusion by combining her rudeness with her chosen name. The name is inspired by Viking tradition and she is of course a quintuplet/cousin/friend of the infamous mudslinger.

Luckily my evening ended well anyway, because Butch Diavolo was there to save my bacon and teleport me to Arcangelo Hellman´s set at The Sanctuary. What are friends for if they cannot give you a pity-TP, huh?