Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Higgs Boson Explained

In response to my bosom buddy Apmel Goosson and his present fascination with the Higgs boson, a.k.a. "the God particle", I would like to share these two simplified versions of explanation with the rest of you yokels. I found both helpful.

First lets look at this interesting cartoon from PHD Comics.

The Higgs Boson Explained from PHD Comics on Vimeo.

Then there is this even simpler one.
(Via J.M.G.)

Did y´all understand better now?

And let me add that contrary to ush (a friend of Apmel´s) I believe he has both a wonderful past and an exciting future!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

While I Was Waiting for Dejerrity

I haven´t seen or spoken with my brother in-law Dej since we met at Second Pride. Partly because I haven´t been in-world that much due to the spell of fatigue, but partly also because of the time difference. So when I got an IM from him relayed to my e-mail during the the night before yesterday telling me he needed to talk with me, I decided to see if I could connect with him yesterday around noon SLT.

As soon as I logged in-world I saw his yellow dot lighting up the southeast corner of the sim on my mini-map and thought to myself, "Good, he is here!" After flying over to his house I found him lying at his new favorite spot. I greeted him, but got no response so I assumed he was away from his keyboard for some reason and sat down to wait for his return. Like many others in SecondLife, Dej often leaves himself parked in-world while he runs errands, works, eats, naps or whatever other reason he may have to occupy him in first life.

"What shall I do while I wait?", I wondered. As everyone knows I have a reputation of being "the most patient man in SecondLife". Everyone tells me that constantly and even if they do not always come straight-out and say it, I am convinced that they think it.

So after standing around a few minutes I decided to pass the time with a cigarette, thinking he would surely be back from whatever he was doing when I returned. No such luck though, he still wasn't there when I returned after seven minutes. My restlessness started creeping up on me and I thought that perhaps I should do something else while I waited, but I could not decide on anything so in the end I turned on the music and sat down by the camp fire. I also sent him an IM hoping that he would come to his computer when he heard the sound of the incoming IM.

Another few minutes went by without a reaction. I looked around the place of the camp fire and noticed that Dej had changed the textures on the pillows. it looked much better than before. I also noticed that he had laid out stepping stones to the little island behind me so that one could walk across without getting ones feet wet (Well, that was what would have happened in first life but not in SecondLife).

There was still no sign of activity so I turned on the music and sat down to wait a bit more. Waiting is not a thing I am good at, as Ars often liked to point out to me. "OK", I thought, "he may have gone to the store to get some food and condoms. Be patient, he will soon be back."

Sitting there, listening to the music, my eyes passed across the suitcase symbol at the bottom of my screen indicating my Inventory. "Good, there is a long overdue task I can occupy myself with", I told myself and looked at the number telling me I had more than 22,000 items in it.

Clearing Inventory is a delicate matter that needs thought and consideration and should not be done hastily. So I attacked the task at hand by starting with the system folders.

Animations folder was easy to sort, there were not that many and I knew which ones I did not want to keep anymore.
Body Parts folder was a bit trickier, because there were a lot of stuff I did not wanted to trash, for sentimental reasons. I also sorted some stuff into the different folders here for Skin, Shape, Eyes, Hair, Penises etc and other categories.
Calling Cards folder, I left untouched, especially after a previous experience where I had deleted a card by mistake (Cross my heart and hope to die!) and the other person was so pissed with me that she refused to renew our friendship.

Lastly - on this occasion - I started on the Clothing folder. I knew pretty well which stuff I did not like at all and would never ever under any circumstances use, those were deleted. The ones I was unsure of I left alone to take a look at another time.

Doing this took me about an hour and a half - without any sign from by brother in-law. I plan to go on with it next time I have some time over. I reduced my Inventory with 1,500 items with this operation alone. Imagine how much shit is still hiding in the other nine system folders, not to mention the user folders. I should think I could bring my Inventory down to 6,000-7,500 items.

So thank you Dej, sweetie, for not being there, but I still hope to see you next time I log in!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Exploring With Ziggy

Photo by Ziggy Starsmith
Late yesterday I went exploring with Ziggy Starsmith in Second Norway. 

We especially took a look at the new yacht club our mutual friend Drew Barnard had set up there for the purpose of gathering gay SecondLife sailors.

Read more about this club and the beautiful Second Norway sims in my buddy´s post Rainbow Sails Yacht Club and Second Norway...I Gasped!

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Gift from Dejerrity

"Night Falls on Southern Charm" by Dejerrity Mycron 
I picked up this beautiful gift from my brother in-law Dejerrity during my short visit in-world on Sunday.

Miss you too, sweetie, hope to see you soon!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thank You, SP2012

I would like to thank the organizers the Board of Directors of Second Pride, the builders, the sponsors, the DJs, the performers, the vendors, the patrons, hell everyone that was involved whatever they did and whoever they were!

Sure there were a few glitches here and there, but to few to mention and nothing devastating. I have been going to Second Pride since 2008 and this was the best Pride ever!

Thank you all, I had a great time!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Missed Connections

(via J.M.G.)

Spinner explains the plot:
Jay Brannan is pretty shy, but not in his new video. The New York-based singer's latest clip for "Rob Me Blind" delves into a world of "missed connections," but instead of letting the feelings for a stranger fly away, he acts on them.
To set the scene, Jay is waiting for an elevator next to a man he's never met. The two exchange glances, and upon approaching every new floor, Brannan imagines his life with the mystery man.
"I'm way too shy to ever approach anyone on the street, on the subway, in an elevator or even at a bar," Brannan tells Spinner. "So it was fun to make a video involving chemistry-at-first-sight, where the characters didn't just end up going home to check the 'missed connections' listings on Craigslist."
The songwriter's latest album Rob Me Blind, is available now via Nettwerk. Check out the video for the title track below. Have you ever acted on a missed connection?

Download Jay Brannan Songs | Buy Jay Brannan Albums 

So, What Happened?

I am trying to understand what happened the last few days of my life, but it still doesn´t make any sense to me.

I was wholeheartedly enjoying Second Pride and having a good time being there and blogging about it, the first eleven days. On Tuesday it was like a trapdoor opened beneath me and I just fell into a grey haze. No feelings whatsoever and no dreams or thoughts either, just an all-encompassing weariness and fatigue.

During the 72 hours from Tuesday until Thursday, I must have slept through 60 of them. Every third or fourth hour I would wake up drink some and/or go to the bathroom. Most of the times I was only half-awake for about 30 minutes to an hour, sometimes up to four hours, but throughout I was still extremely drowsy.

Finally around noon on Friday I did wake up and started feeling somewhat alert. I was famished and heated one of those emergency-pizzas I keep in the fridge. After eating and watching some TV, I went back to bed and slept through the night.

Strange, really strange! *said with a French accent*