Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Enough Already

OK, I just cannot keep waiting for things to change. I have to do something about it.

I am bored to death with television, the Olympic Games and trying to figure out what happened when I suddenly lost interest in
and the blog.

This has been going on too long and I have had enough. My blog posts may initially be very short, but I am hoping something comes along and pisses me off sooner or later.

I hope to see you all at a dance floor in SecondLife very soon!

P.S. Oh, I almost forgot. Today I started singing loudly to myself while running between my room at work and the printer. Good sign that something has shifted!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Please Take the Viewer-Poll

My friend and mentor Eddi Haskell has a poll running on his blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life (url) on a eternally debated issue among residents of SecondLife; Which viewer we prefer. to use.

Please take the poll, you have six more days to leave your answer!

You will find the poll in the upper right hand corner.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Zesentwintig Weer

"The cuteness that is Guyke"™
In Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, they have an age-old tradition among the Flemish people which reminds me very much of SecondLife. 

The people of Flanders speak a Belgian variety of Dutch called "tussentaal". In the local culture and language no one is ever recognized as being older than twenty-six, any age after that is referred to as "zesentwintig weer" (twenty-six again).

Today we celebrate the twenty-sixth again birthday in first life of The cuteness that is Guyke™, the wonderful, charming and loving man that brought so much happiness to Ars and my life. (Well - to be quite honest - some grey hairs and teeth grinding also but lets not delve in that on this festive day)

Gefeliciteerd met je zesentwintigste weer verjaardag, mijn liefste Guykechen!
Have a wonderful birthday, love you loads and bunches!

(...and of course there really is no such tradition, I just made it up!)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blog Stats for July 2012

The total number of pageviews for Bock in SecondLife in July 2012 was 11,667. The all time high for the blog was set in April 2012, with 18,261 pageviews. March 2012 held the previous record of 16,569 pageviews.

Sweden leads as my all time largest reader country with a total of 72,861 pageviews, followed by the United States with 69,629 pageviews and the United Kingdom with 9,755 pageviews.

The three largest language groups among my readers in June 2012 were English (64.0 %), Swedish (9,0 %) and, in joint third place, Dutch and Portuguese (4,0 %).

Vote, Vote, Vote

Voting has began for the 2013 Second Pride Festival Board.

Log onto the website at to cast your vote.

Only votes by members of the Second Pride Festival group will be counted. If you are not registered (create a profile) on the website do so now...then vote.

Good luck to all the candidates

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sedation (Updated)

Well, I really don´t know what is going on. I don´t blog and I don´t log in to SecondLife, but I think of both those things all the time and miss my friends in-world.

As opposed to my problems earlier, I now cannot sleep when I need to. The last week I only got four to four and half hours of sleep a night. This week I have decided to take some drastic measures to induce sleep.

I do not drink very much ordinarily, so to bring myself to that stage of tiredness I am now sitting here with no less than two 5 cl snaps-bottles which I am going to drink while writing this post. I will give you a report tomorrow if it helped.

The two are Norwegian, one is Trondhjems Aquavit, it tasted great but perhaps a bit too chilly, while the other one is Taffel Aquavit, which doesn´t taste as good and has a strange oily aftertaste. But hell I am not drinking them to enjoy them, so down the hatch it goes.

Now I will wait and see if they are enough, or if I need one more.

Update My unconventional solution worked well and I had a good nights sleep. I woke up bright and early feeling rested and ready to take on the world. Of course I realize that this is not a remedy that should be used often, but this once it worked fine.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Laird as Poet

Ode to the Olympic Games in London 2012
by the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, while in a lousy mood

Bloody lord Coe
Bloody Dr. Rogge
Bloody boring Olympics

Too hot, too hot
Too damn hot
Too much perspiration

Inspiration gone
Incentive gone
Too much perspiration at the bloody Olympics

Citius, Altius, Fortius?
Who cares in this heat!
Molasses in my brain

Salty sweat here
Salty sweat everywhere
Promise of rain betrayed

How long does a writers block last?
How long does a heatwave last?
How long do the damn Olympics last?