Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You've Got Mail, Vampi!

Please respond a.s.a.p. for quick transaction!

Love ya´ and please slap that cute kitten of yours on the tush with greetings from from me!

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Results of the SL-Viewer Poll Are In

My buddy Eddi Haskell has now posted the results of the poll concerning your preferred viewer to access SecondLife.

Read the results here.

Once again it seems I am in the minority, because I absolutely love my Viewer 3 from Linden Lab.

It´s Over - Finally!

The moon doesn´t care a bit about defacing the Olympic Rings.
It was rough for awhile and the wait seemed endless, but now it is finally over. We are free, free at last from the Olympic Games - well, for this time at least.

My sister Millimina asked me recently why I didn't watch the Olympic Games more. "There are a lot of hot and wonderful men competing, I am sure you would find it thrilling and worthwhile if you only gave it a chance." or something to that effect.

I had no good answer at the time, nor do I have one now, but I think it disturbs me to see these wonderful men and women crippling themselves with years of hard training to be used/abused by the International Olympic Committee in this hypocritical way.

The IOC have sold out the games and what ideals they may once have had to big business. Mind you, I have nothing against big business as long as they admit to being just that, but the IOC pretend to be something more and that sickens me. Coca-Cola, Acer, Atos, Dow, General Electric, McDonald´s, Omega. Panasonic, Proctor & Gamble, Samsung and Visa (to name only the ten largest sponsors) own and control the games. The IOC shamefully supplies the veneer of the rings and the other symbols the flag, the fire  and the rest of the hoax of high hopes, dreams, idealism, peace-loving and brotherhood of man.

When they start calling them "The Coca-Cola Olympic Games" I might consider watching it with some enthusiasm.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Must Read for Rod Humble and Linden Lab

Rod Humble and the rest of you guys and girls at Linden Lab must already know that I love you all and that I am usually a staunch supporter of what you guys provide us with. But...

We - the residents that have been here a long time and still come back - have seen you perform several changes in our in-world experiences that do not seem to address our immediate concerns and problems. This has continued despite repeated promises from both my beloved Phillip Linden and from you too dearest Rodvik Linden.

We did not ask for "mesh", you shoved it down our throats, neither did we ask for "pathfinding", which you are force feeding us now. If any of these things are happening to fix the stuff we have been praying you to fix, you have been awfully bad in communicating it. And if it isn't, why the hell don´t you fixed the promised things first before doing things that are cool only for the tech-geeks?

Please read the plea from another frustrated resident (and a very smart and cute cookie at that) Mr. Ziggy Starsmith Thank You, Linden Lab ... Thanks Alot! (url).

Report From the War Room

The news reached Southern Charm on Thursday that Her Serene Majesty Mialinn, Queen of Second Norway, had declared war on the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls.

Ever since the MIA (McMillan Intelligence Agency) had filed their report with the Minister of Defense Hedda Millar she had been belligerent and swearing even more than usual. Some of the extremely cute men of the sim walked around with a permanent blush and seemed very flustered after meting with her.

Hedda of course followed procedure and called all the high-and-mighty of Southern Charm to an immediate meeting in the war room, located ten kilometers below the welcoming and beautiful surface of the sim. Such meetings are mandatory when the safety of the laird or the sim are threatened. 

All of the powers-that-be of the McMillan house hold had been locked up down there since Thursday, with no news of what was going on leaking to the restless and anxious hoi polloi nobilty and commoners up on the surface. However, the meeting is now over and we are being reached with several accounts of what has been happening.

The laird himself had seemed calm and in a good mood despite the urgency of the meeting. 

The hawks at the meeting are rumored to have been Hedda Millar (naturally), her aide-the-camp Minerva Xenno and the identical twins Admiral Duncan Aycliffe, Chief of the Southern Charm Naval Forces and Coast Guard, and Field Marshall Angus Maldor, Chief of the Army and Royal Air Force.

The doves are said to have been represented by Prime Minister Wild Zepp, The Ambassador to the Court of Saint James Callum Beamish, the Foreign Minister Seamus Lycheborne and General Matt Gaboian, Chief of the Marine Corps.

Seemingly Hedda Millar started the meeting with a plea to the laird, this is the only word-for-word account that has reached us as yet (civil translation in brackets). "My kind sweet laird, give me permission to nuke this ÜƧ‗z£ (woman) who has spent the last three years z☺"☻Üú{©¹→1 ☺ ☺54 z☺"☻Üú{©¹→1 ☺ ☺ ÜƧ‗z£ (surgically enhancing her bosom to such a size that she now needs goggles with periscopes to look in front of her when she walks). I will send ©¹→1 ☺ (her) to hell where she rightfully belongs. Please, milord, please!"

The laird is said to have smiled softly at her and have asked her to sit down and breathe. "It is true, we have had an armed detente with the Queendom of Second Norway during the last decade, but I actually cannot see that the declaration of war from the good Queen Mialinn should be taken seriously, to the contrary. To me it seems that her post should be read as a joking peace offering. You all know this already, I love Norwegians and would never contemplate any obliteration of them and their beautiful sims, besides I have been sending friends to live there. They might be hurt too. We do not want to kill Ziggy Starsmith and Drew Barnard and all the other friends we have managed to sneak in there, do we?"

After this the mood of the meeting is said to have changed. The princes and princesses instead started laying plans on how to deal with the hundreds of Vikings the Norwegian queen had promised to send. Duncan came up with a devious plan.

"Well", he started, "we all know that all straight men are not as straight as they seem. Lets make a drink of ginger ale and some Tabasco sauce. When they come we will serve it to them and tell them that if they drink the potion they will forget everything they do and will no longer be responsible for their actions. That should turn a lot of the bi-curious or closeted gays around and we would have a good time too. The ones it doesn´t have an affect on we leave to Hedda and Minerva do deal with."

With that they laughingly left the war room and went up to their waiting countrymen shouting "Pounce the sexy Vikings, pounce them and lets enjoy ourselves!"

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The New Board of Second Pride

The elections for the board of Second Pride 2013 ended at midnight on Sunday. The voting procedure was done electronically on the Second Pride website and seems to have worked without any fault.

As a member of the Election Committee I am proud to present the new board to you:

Doc Spad, Chairman
Kyle Beckett, Secretary/Co-Chairman
SquirtN Wonder, Treasurer
Kharissa Indigo, Events Director
Dextrum Boucher, Membership Director
Mr. Gracemount, Building Director
Tootsie Nootan, Security Director
Tylo Mabellion, Marketing Director
Baz Caewlin, Communications/IT Director

My warmest congratulations to those who have been elected. I also wish them the best of luck with the important work that lays ahead!