Sunday, October 21, 2012

No Seduction & No Demonstration

This evening I logged into SecondLife with two options in mind, either to let myself be seduced by Ziggy Starsmith or to join Kandinsky Beaumont and Apmel Goosson in a demonstration at Burn against their oppressive rules and their terrible treatment of Kandinsky..

Well, as it turned out none of the three were inworld so I had to make alternative plans. 

I decided to go to my friends Vampi Twine-DeSantis-McMillan-McMillan´s (honorary) and my Sergeant-at Arms sirhc DeSantis-McMillan´s club OrmDricka instead. The theme was black!

The Magic Garden was filled with good friends and I also hauled my brother Martial Eisenhart over with his new perky mesh-ass.

We had a blast with a lot of fun 70´s music (which was better than I imagined it could be)! That goes to show, you can have a good time even if things don´t work out as you planned.

Poll Shows: 61 % Love Linden Lab

The results of the poll concerning how residents feel Linden Lab is running SecondLife on Eddi Haskell´s Second Life (url) are now in.

The poll shows that 61 % of the 67 voters feel that Linden Lab is doing a fairly good to excellent job in running SecondLife. Awesome results!

Breaking News: Ziggy Is Staying

The amazing, wonderful and sexy Ziggy Starsmith today announced on his blog that he is going to stay with us in SecondLife! Ziggy Starsmith On The Edge Of Second Life...; Second Life: The Twinkle Has Returned To My Eyes.... (url)

As the goal has now been reached and we have convinced Ziggy to stay on I am taking down the poll "Should Ziggy Starsmith stay in SecondLife?"

Twenty-three people voted in the poll. Three votes were cast on "No, I am a jealous dickhead and cannot stand the competition." These votes are of course disqualified on the grounds that the voters are self-admitted jealous dickheads whose opinion cannot matter.

All of the remaining twenty votes were for "Hell yes, we need charming and passionate people here!".That means that 100 percent of the voters whose opinion matter voted that Ziggy should stay with us! (Ukrainian rules)

It´s unanimous, Ziggy has to stay with us because we love him, the ranting little bugger!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Size Matters...

Heterosexuals should take special care when spicing things up in the bedroom.

Playing with large objects in unfamiliar orifices can be detrimental if you are careless or do not know what you are doing. ("Don't do this at home, kids!")
FYI! 9 inches equals 22,9 centimeters
From The Shangaiist (via J.M.G.)

The Shameless Grafter

Maltese John Dalli, the former Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs in the European Union resigned Tuesday due to charges of fraud.

The resignation occurred after the European Union's anti-fraud office, OLAF, presented the results of it´s investigation showing that a Maltese entrepreneur had approached the Swedish snus (Swedish snuff) producing company Swedish Match and, while referring to his close association with Mr. Dalli, tried to receive "substantial financial benefits" in exchange for influence over a future bill on removing the ban on sales of snus within the European Union.

However, no transaction occurred between Swedish Match and the entrepreneur. "We unfortunately found that the offer was credible and that it was linked to the Commission's political leadership. The professional decision was pretty simple: it was to say no. It is not in our DNA or culture - or the Swedish character, what do I know - that one works that way, it's completely unattractive" said a spokesperson for Swedish Match..

Dalli denies the charges, but the investigation by OLAF shows that he was aware of what had occurred between the Maltese entrepreneur and Swedish Match and had made no effort to distance himself from the matter or to report it.

Rumours claim that Dalli, when approached on the matter by José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, first refused to resign and only did so after being told that he would be fired if he didn't.

Unscrupulous and shameless use of one's position to derive advantages is always ugly. The statement by the spokesperson is rather touching though in all its innocence, because I could name at least five Swedish companies who under similar circumstances have - or would - accept such an offer without hesitation.

Monday, October 15, 2012


When I logged in to my SecondLife yesterday I had a lot on my to-do-list, since I hadn't been inworld for a week.

The first thing on the list was to check in with my brother in-law Dejerrity Mycron, who lives in the northwest southwest corner of Southern Charm. I was happy to see the yellow dot on the minimap indicating that he was at home.

Before going over to meet him I had to go through my usual preliminaries to get SecondLife to work (it´s been like this the last two years so I am pretty used to it by now). First thing I do is to teleport to Moa, where Ars once had an office skybox for Sarco Sound. The skybox was removed by Linden Lab just a few months ago, so these days I crash to the ground when I get there. However, once I am there everything starts working, the IM´s and notices appear and sounds come back and - above all - I am no longer sunk in the the ankles and am able to walk around. I then teleport back home and my life begins.

Once I was home again, I flew over to Dej´s place and walked up to him. The man was standing stark naked (without the willy attached) getting ready to dress for the Sunday afternoon party at Folsom.

We talked about how we were doing, recent events and this-and-that while he rummaged in his Inventory and tried things on to get ready for the party. It seems it was Halloween-themed because he ended up as an awesome headless gentleman in a nice tux with his head safely tucked under his arm. The only problem was that the drinking animation took the glass to where the head should be and not where it actually was, so the poor man didn't get his vodka.

I love visiting with Dej and especially like the fact that so much about him reminds me of Ars. Stability, loyalty, love, respect and support - all this even when he is headless.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Take the Poll; Should Ziggy Stay In SecondLife?

Photo by Ziggy Starsmith
Today my hotheaded and passionate buddy Ziggy Starsmith has gone to far!

After a rant against my darlings Linden Lab, where he accuses them of all the problems in First and SecondLife and then some, he ends the post with actually threatening to leave SecondLife by November 25, 2012, if things don´t improve in a hurry!

Read his post here Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life: Crash After Crash... Second Life Apocalypse.

I left him this response in a comment on his blog.
"My dear, sweet, charmingly hotheaded, fiery and wonderfully passionate but extremely rash darling buddy!
Please read what you yourself have written carefully. You are on the same modem and the same hook-up as Larz and "he has no issues most of the time". Doesn't this tell you that the problem is with your computer and not with SecondLife, sweetheart?
And what the fuck is this shit about you leaving SecondLife? Are you trying to kill me off completely?

I do not care if you don´t own land or if you become a basic account freeloader but don´t you even think of leaving, and especially not for that hellish Facebook of all the damned Internet social networks.
Take deep breaths, my darling buddy, and please calm yourself.

Love you always, even when you become a rash and impetuous Linden-basher!

With this post I want to give him a flap in the face and tell him to simmer down, because we are many who actually love him and need him in SecondLife! Take the poll in the upper righthand corner and dammit check the correct option or else...!

I also promise and plan to come inworld more often so that I can enjoy his company more.