Thursday, November 8, 2012

Damn Right, Dan Savage!

I adore Dan Savage, the American humorist and sex advice columnist with a blog named "Savage Love", who is also a gay activist!

This is part of what he had to say on his blog yesterday when he reminded the gay community that we owe thanks to a group of fabulous people. (You can read the whole post here: We Couldn´t Have Done It Without Them):
"Now here's what I want to say: I know so many straight people in Seattle who worked unbelievably hard to approve R-74. They gave money, they volunteered their time, they reached out to friends and relatives and coworkers, all in an effort to make it possible for same-sex couples to marry. Gays and lesbians are a tiny percentage of the population. We couldn't do this on our own. A majority of the legislators who voted for same-sex marriage? Straight. The governor who signed the law making same-sex marriage legal in Washington state? Straight. The majority of the folks manning the phone banks for R-74? Straight. The overwhelming majority of people who voted to approve R-74? Straight. The president who took a huge political risk and came out for marriage equality before his reelection campaign? Straight. It has gotten better for us—better, not perfect—but it hasn't gotten better for us in a vacuum. It's gotten better for us because straight people have gotten better about us."
I love our straight allies too and can only agree with everything Dan has to say in his post.

Thank You, Straight Allies! I Love You All!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The evening before the American election my son Guyke and I had discussed that we should meet up this evening to either celebrate or mourn the outcome of together with our family. It was also a good opportunity for me to meet the new extensions to the family.

In the picture you see (from left to right) Guyke, my buddy Butch "I-don´t-understand-this-family-thing-in-SL" Diavolo, Dillon (son of Janttu and Fabiano), myself, my son in-law #1 Janttu and his husband Fabiano and my brother in-law D R E Y.

Missing in the picture are my sister Millimina,  my son in-law #2 Ziggy and my brother in-law Dej..

As we had at least three DJ´s present I of course forced them to play music for us. We had a wonderful time talking on voice and listening to music. The most special thing about this party was perhaps that I heard Janttu speak for the first time. I will only say that I went weak in my knees (and that even when I was sitting).

The new family members were charming, witty and good looking  but I never doubted that because the men in the clan know how to pick awesome men.

Thank You U.S.A!

The New York Times "Presidential Map", November 7, 2012
Florida is still undecided (all votes have not been counted yet), but leaning towards Obama.

Support for marriage equality won in all four states where there were referendums on that issue!
(P.S. J.M.G just reported that the count of the ballots in the referendum in Washington state has not been completed yet, although things look good.)
UPDATE: Washington state has now declared that marriage equality won in the referendum!

I couldn't stay awake long enough last night to get the result of the presidential election but it was althemore sweet to wake up to the news in the morning!

Governor Romney gave a nice concession speech and president Obama gave an awesome victory speech. Life is wonderful, living is beautiful and exciting!

Thank you so much my sisters and brothers in the U.S!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Rezday Son In-Law #2

Ughh I almost forgot, but not quite...

Happy third rezday my dear buddy and son in-law Ziggy Starsmith! Love ya XOXOXO

This blog now returns to downtime.


Service will be temporarily unavailable due to the bloggers preoccupation with and anxiety concerning the ongoing American presidential election.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Monday, November 5, 2012

American Elections 2012

Photos Michael Key, design Jim Neal
It´s all in the hands of the American electorate and I have really only one wish to you: Vote dammit!

Whomever you vote for I and the rest of the world will learn to live with your choice, as is only right and proper. Sure I have my favorite among the two, but it is your election and only yours. The only wrong result from my point of view is if the largest democracy in the world cannot get at least half of the electorate to participate in their national elections.

Your elections affects the rest of the world also. We will be anxiously waiting for the results, both in the presidential election and the elections for the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Clan McMillan and Hurricane Ziggy

So the hurricane Ziggy passed through the McMillan clan - officially yesterday - but unofficially some time earlier. When hurricane Ziggy hit landfall on Southern Charm it created havoc in the family tree.

The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, has finally caught up with all the changes now after an extremely long talk with his son prince Guyke Lundquist of Claddagh, who informed him of all the developments in very slow steps.
  1. Guyke and prince Janttu Winkler of Claddagh have divorced in SecondLife (In first life they are still as lovey-dovey as ever before.)
  2. Guyke and duke Ziggy Starsmith (kingdom as yet unknown) have partnered in SecondLife, which means that Ziggy is now my son in-law. (However, at this point in time I refuse to let go of Janttu as my son in-law so he still retains that title also.)
  3. Janttu has formed a partnership with a beautiful man named Mr. Fabiano something, whom the laird has not yet had the pleasure of meeting. In the new partnership Janttu already has a grown son. (I forgot his name already, so sorry.)
I think thats it so far, further developments will be reported as they are revealed to the laird.

It´s all good. I get the added benefit of the charming Ziggy in the family while all the others remain. And the new additions will be excellent I am confident of that. The men of my clan have excellent taste in partners! My head is still spinning, but I am sure I will be happy when all the dust has settled.