Tuesday, December 4, 2012

NOH8 Avatars 21

Jorge Hutchinson, photo by Kent Hutchinson of KH Photography
For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email lundamats@gmail.com.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Dinner

This evening I was invited over to my son and son in-law for Sunday dinner. I don´t worry too much about the fact that I had to twist their arms and play the guilt card to get the invitation, they made me feel like an honored guest anyway.

Ziggy had been at it all day, cooking for the dinner, getting the house cleaned and decorating it for the season. Guyke, like his dad, loves the seasonal decorations and goes crazy every holiday to get all the stuff out.
The place looked wonderful of course, even if one of the scullery maids had not quite finished in time and was still at it trying to get a stain out of the carpet in the living room. The food was delicious, the wine was excellent and the company courteous, but best of all was that Ziggy was on voice and sounded marvelously manly and lovely. Even with his quaint Canadian "out". I always thought that was a silly American joke, but now I know its true - they really do say it that special way.)

The only strange thing that happened was when Guyke suddenly left us to go drain the potatoes, he had not done a single thing earlier - the little jewish princess - so I was really amazed that he took upon himself to do this chore. After a few minutes he returned without any potatoes and looked very relieved and happy. For some reason or other I was unnaturally shy and could not bring myself to ask what he had actually done with the potatoes, although I at that time had started yearning for their arrival.

All in all, it was a nice evening and the boys are sweet together, so I am happy. The fact that I love them both separately and that they get along so well as a couple is reassuring to me. If I should one day no longer be there, Guyke will be well cared for by his loving hubby. Ars will rest in peace and I will be happy.

Snow Over S.C. - World Cut Off

Snow has been falling heavily over Southern Charm in first life since midday Friday. The amounts of snow that have fallen have virtually cut off the world.

In an effort to save the world the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm (in both first and SecondLife) - and prince of Cascade Falls, has ordered all of his noble population to the rescue work.

Technicians and engineers are already working hard to keep logins and teleports open. The rest of the nobility will be given shovels and snow mobiles to dig out the world and thus save it from this imminent catastrophe. It is not yet fully known how long the world will survive being deprived contact with Southern Charm, but the best estimates show that the danger is immediate.

Besides saving the world there is another reason for the drastic measure of supplying the lazy nobility with shovels. The lairds planned trip to Stockholm - starting tomorrow - for a state visit with His Majesty Charles XVI Gustavus, king of Sweden, and a crisis meeting with The Nobel Prize Committee are at risk of being cancelled. (It seems the laird´s invitation to the prize ceremonies on December 10 has yet again gone astray.)

By the Campfire

Smalltalk by the campfire with Dej.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Our Amazing World

When I had some time over today I started playing with the sky settings. The Firestorm viewer has a shitload of presets and it is easy to change from one to the other.

I think the results are stunning! It is no wonder that many artists and filmmakers use SecondLife to enhance their art. I wondered why we don't use this neat setting more often. Then I thought that perhaps everyone else actually does and it is only I who don´t...

NOH8 Avatars 20

Jakob Korpov
For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email lundamats@gmail.com.

NOH8 Avatars 19

Evan Korpov
For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email lundamats@gmail.com.