Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Blogger in SecondLife

+Ziggy Starsmith has added his SecondLife partner +Guyke Lundquist as co-author to the now renamed blog, Ziggy & Guyke: On The Edge Of Second Life.

Bock in SecondLife takes great pleasure in welcoming the new kick-ass blogger!

What I Am Missing On Facebook

My sweet bosom buddy Apmel Goosson (aka +Lennart Nilsson) sent me this picture to rub in what wonderful fun I am missing by no longer being on Facebook. Isn't he a peach? 

Friday, December 21, 2012

NRA Calls for Police State

"The National Rifle Association (NRA), one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the U.S., has called for armed security guards to be posted in every school in the country and insisted that the only solution to gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre was more guns.
A week almost to the hour after a gunman blasted his way into Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut, killing 20 first-grade children as well as six staff members, the NRA's executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre finally broke his silence and delivered a defiant message to the nation.
Throwing down the gauntlet to Barack Obama, he declared: "The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." That is a mantra that he has used after several previous mass shootings."
Quote and video from
I have never heard a more blatantly cynical and stupid a**hole in any of my entire two lives.

Time Magazine´s Person of the Year 2012

Time Magazine on Wednesday, December 19, named the recently re-elected US President Barack Obama as its person of the year for 2012 - the second time it has awarded him this honor.

The American news magazine put Obama on its cover and said he deserved the accolade as "the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America."

The magazine noted that Obama was the first American president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win more than 50 percent of the vote in two straight elections.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Secret Lover"

(via +Joe Jervis on J.M.G.)

Anthony Antoine's "Secret Lover"

This is actually a music video relationship I can relate to, I have been there myself once and for a long time. It is totally  devastating for your sense of self-worth, avoid it at all costs. You are the one who loses, every time and always!

Ballroom Dancing with Jayde

I had received an invitation to the Christmas Dance at Big Momma´s Ballroom from my friend Kahvy Sands. Well "invitation" may be too nicely put, it was more like a command but I was looking forward to the dance anyway, I always have a good time there.

Due to a nap that lasted too long I was late getting there but my initial sleepy confusion was made up for by the fact that the beautiful Jayde was there. We have met and danced before and she always makes me look good. We had an absolutely wonderful time!

I had a small altercation with Guyke about my use of the word "francophone" in a previous post. He made it quite clear to me that his native tongue is Dutch although he speaks French well. I responded that I am a well educated man with more than a fleeting interest in and knowledge of many things in the world and that I was well aware of the difference between the Dutch-speaking and French-speaking populations of Belgium and having know him for five years also of the fact that  he is Flemish and not a Walloon.

Well, what is a little tiff among family members, I love him and he loves me anyway!