Saturday, January 12, 2013

Support Ticket #01587329 VII

The adventure continues and the plot thickens... Today I sent the following email to my friend Theresa Linden at Linden Lab.
Illustration from autocab International

"Hello again Theresa,

When I did the self-tests you have asked me to perform with the test avatar I got the following results, nothing has been attached.

I do not get the repeats when I am chatting from my home sim (Southern Charm), neither in IMs nor in local chat. However if I go to a laggy sim (KMADD or a party sim) I still immediately get repeats of my own chats in local chat and those I talk to tell me I repeat in IM.

I also get the repeat teleports when I go from the laggy sims back to Southern Charm. When I have already successfully teleported back to Southern Charm I get this pop up (see picture Teleport message).

During this whole experience I have tried scanning for virus with both the program I have installed on my computer (PC Tools Internet Security) and several of the online virus-scanners (f-secure, Trend Micro etc.), at the suggestion of friends I also tried a free trial of the program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.  None of these could detect any infection.

As some of my friends had told me about a Trojan that could settle in my keyboard I late last night made a search for a program that could detect and remove such a threat. I found and installed the program Spy Emergency, using this program two infections were detected VX2 ABetterInternet and Trojan Win32 Malware. These were removed in the recommended fashion and then I tried out Bock again, but the results were the same as I have reported above.

I am once again anxiously awaiting your recommendations on further actions.


P.S. to my email earlier today.

"Hi again Theresa,

I forgot to mention that my payments are still repeated when I am in a laggy region but not when I pay from my home sim.



Friday, January 11, 2013

New and Worsened!

Together with my dear friend and personal stylist Theresa Linden of the fashion house Lin-dEn-laB I have now made an extreme and complete makeover.

I think my boyish and unique new look will be a success!

I used to get complaints about being too tall, too muscular, too blond and too devastatingly handsome. That is no longer a problem. Safe, likable and blending in with the wood-work...

It did not help with my problems though, not as far as I could see during my quick visit tonight.

Support Ticket #01587329 VI

Illustration from Omnitechsupport
During the past night Theresa Linden has been putting Bock through another set of trials ordeals, whereupon she sent me the following email:

"A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01587329
Avatar: Bock McMillan
Type: Other Inworld Issues
Status: Information Requested

Hey Bock,

It is a pleasure helping you. You are so cooperative and understanding! I have logged in your account again today and it was also cooperating well. Just to make sure the issue causing the problems was not something on your avatar, I have detached everything from him, and also turned you into a test male.

What I would like you to try is seeing if you encounter the same issues when you are in this test avatar status. If you do right away, let me know and feel free to attach as normal. If you do not, slowly start attaching things one at a time starting with skin, shape, so on and so fourth, while testing your issues. Please let me know how this experiment goes!

Thanks so much for your time,

Theresa Linden

To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit :

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)"

The coming weekend I will do as Theresa has asked me and then report back to her. Please, keep your fingers crossed!

...but to night I am going out in first life to celebrate an 80th anniversary. Take care my darlings and we will meet tomorrow!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Glamour, Bling & 'Cha-Ching'

My friend Garth Raleigh at Gay Archipelago sent me this pressrelease for Miss Wigstock, 2013

"Did you know that January is Drag History Month? This month-long celebration salutes the richness of drag culture and pays tribute to the courageous queens & kings who have fought for equality while inspiring, educating & entertaining us all.

As part of this celebration, the Gay Archipelago pays homage to these pioneering members of our Community with the 5th ‘Miss WigStock’ Show & Contest in Second Life to be held Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 12pm (noon) slt.

We're inviting ALL members of the LGBT Community who are interested in competing for the title, the Crown and the cash prize of $L15,000 to choose a song to perform and gather their best Drag outfit (complete with wig of choice). No worries - the great Oliver Elton will be helping contestants with their sets and their steps. There'll also be a prize of $L5,000 to the 1st runner-up and a purse (pink fur-lined) of $L2,500 to the 2nd runner up - All chosen by a panel of 3 independent judges looking for appearance, performance and originality.

Contact contestant coordinator - Rico (ricogenu.resident) in SL before the cutoff date of January 16th, 2013, to get your name in the hat.

Audience members........prepare for the wildest, most fun show and contest to be presented on the main stage at Theatre on the Hill. Come root for your favorite Diva as he/she struts the stage and showers you with the attentions that only a true Diva can. There'll be surprise special guest-appearances, over-the-top musical performances / sets and or course.........smiles and laughter for all!


YOU can help get the word out about this unique and FUN upcoming celebration within the SL LGBT Community. Here's a texture poster for you.

There is also a Miss Wigstock Info-giver kiosk available for your sim, club or venue that will distribute a highly-entertaining guide to 'how to be a Diva in the Wigstock Contest' at no cost when touched. Please contact either Othon Weiland, publicity, or myself to get yours today!

With champaign dreams and rhinestone stilettos,

Garth Raleigh
Lead, Gay Archipelago"

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cuddly Ally

"And I am proud of it!"
(via +Joe Jervis at J.M.G.)

Straight ally extraordinaire Ben Cohen has posted the above picture on his Facebook page with the same caption. Huggable and lovable guy, isn't he?

Swedish Embassy in SecondLife Closes

The following announcement was posted today on the Second House of Sweden blog
"By the start of 2013 the Second House of Sweden project has officially been closed down.
The project was by all standards a success. We managed to make a definite mark in the virtual world of Second Life as well as creating a lot of publicity in the first [life]. This blog shows some of the events that took place, and perhaps more importantly tells the story of why a government agency such as the Swedish Institute decided to embark on the journey of creating the world’s first virtual embassy.
What you can’t read about in this blog, but could only experience, was all the interesting meetings that took place between different individuals (virtual or not) from all over the world. From the opening ceremony hosted by Sweden’s foreign minister Carl Bildt, and the Virtu-Real project which enabled meetings between visitors of the real world House of Sweden and it’s virtual “twin” Second House of Sweden – to everyone that just stopped by to see what the fuzz was about.
Although it is always a bit sad to leave a dear friend, at the Swedish Institute we constantly look for new ways of communicating our belief in openness and innovation, and no project (should) last forever. You could say that Curators of Sweden was in 2012 what Second House of Sweden was in 2007. What 2013 holds in store remains to be seen.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
I for one, have always been a staunch supporter of the Swedish Embassy in SecondLife since the start. It was my reading about the inauguration of the Embassy that brought me to SecondLife in 2007. 

The project has been under attack from a handful of Swedish SecondLife bloggers and "eternally disgruntled taxpayers" the last few years. With the exception of my friend Gittrika Mint, whom I didn't agree with in this matter, I cannot stand the rest of them.

I believe that this decision by the Swedish Institute is regretful and unnecessary. The sims could have been brought to life again if an earnest and concerted effort had been made.

Thanks for all the good times and the fond memories, Swedish Embassy in SecondLife! I am sad to see it go and I will miss it!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Noah Has Something To Tell Us

(via +Joe Jervis at J.M.G.)

Noah St.John, 15 y.o., has something to tell us about his family and their lives together. And what a storyteller he is.

Keep your biggest smiles and handkerchiefs handy.