Sunday, March 3, 2013

Too Fashion Forward?

I must start by telling you that I have always had the Apmels as my role models when it comes to fashion in SecondLife. I used to believe their taste was impeccable.

That is until today, when I saw this picture of Apmel Ibbetson at Kueperpunk Korhonen's concert yesterday.

There is a limit to what I can accept and turning up at a concert dressed in tires is definitely too avantgarde for my taste. Call me conservative if you wish, but enough is enough!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bock - The Party Man

First I stopped in at The Sanctuary for some great trance music with a DJ I had never listened to before, Nelopelou McKeenan. She played awesome music for us.

Next stop was The Bunker where an old friend and compatriot of mine Missy (formerly known as Miss K) was DJ-ing. I had never heard her DJ before so that was a good experience also.
The last stop of the evening was at the Naked Field Party with my friend DJ Avacar. It was a great idea to have a naked party in a field. 

At the party I met a lot of friends, some of whom I had not see in a very long time. Aside from the DJ Avacar and his hubby Rico, we were joined by Ryce Skytower-Aquila, Benja Aquila-Skytower, Jeff Ellsworth and Joeh Acker and a bunch of other hot men.. 
Through it all i was chatting with Dej, who had planned a pleasurable afternoon for himself which was  constantly interrupted by his noisy fat assed neighbor and her maid. Well, at least he got his afternoon drink without interruptions!

Strange Nightmare

Matt Damon's A1+ Quality smile
Tonight I had the strangest nightmare, which made me wake up with a scream. I dreamed that I felt something logged in my left cheek. When I pulled it out and looked at it I saw it was a partial denture for the four lower front teeth. I wondered who they belonged to, but as I was thinking about that my tongue felt a big gaping hole in the front of my lower jaw. When I tried the dentures they fit right into the hole. That's when I wake up, sitting up in by bed with a scream.

The thing is that, through a fluke of nature, I am the only one in my immediate family that has excellent teeth. Other than having the two upper wisdom teeth extracted, because they were growing crookedly, and succeeding in splitting a lower teeth while biting into a pebble in some badly cleaned rice, the rest of my teeth are immaculate. Unlike my parents and sisters I have always looked forward to my visits with my dentist and dental hygienist and I go there with joyful steps.

Despite my great teeth I have had a recurring nightmare since childhood. In the nightmare I am walking down a flight of stairs when I trip and fall. In the fall I manage to get all my front teeth knocked out.

The new nightmare seems to be a variation to the old familiar one, but after the fact of the fall instead of during it. I don't like it all and don't understand it.

Friday, March 1, 2013


A friend sent me a link to this clip with the following message: "Heya handsome! Since you're all celibate still, thought you might like something old I stumbled across again ;)"

I am of course deeply touched by his concern and am grateful for the clip, but would like to add that celibacy - in spite of the social stigma - has not yet been proven to be lethal although some concerns have been raised to this effect.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Playing With Myself

I was checking on the state of Southern Charm and saw the dance ball hanging from the rafters in the barn, so I thought I might as well try it out.

TIP: The best way to look at these pictures is to click on one of them and then move through them with the left or right arrow.

Yes, yes - I know the header for this post should have been "Playing By Myself" or "Playing Alone", but I liked the one I chose better for some mysterious reason.

Secret Date