Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gay Male Avatar to Gay Male Avatar

Hunky Sexy Avatar: "What does NSA stand for, do you know?"
Beefcake Sturdy Avatar: "It usually means 'No strings attached'" 
Hunky Sexy Avatar: "Ahhhh, thanks" 
Beefcake Sturdy Avatar: "No problem" 
Hunky Sexy Avatar "Men are pigs, by the way" 
Beefcake Sturdy Avatar: "Yeah, basically" 
Hunky Sexy Avatar: "You were always one of the good ones" 
(Tipped by reader of Bock in SecondLife Hunky Sexy Avatar, who thought I might appreciate it)

Dear Hunky Sexy Avatar,
Thank you so much, you really know me well. I loved it!
Hugs, Bock
P.S: And here I was believing that NSA referred to "National Security Agency". That only goes to show how innocent and unspoiled I really am. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Has Happened To My Philip?

I came across this yesterday, but could not believe my eyes - so I thought I had better sleep on it and come back for another look today.

This snippet is from on Linden Lab's webpage.

My wonderful Philip Rosedale, the founder of Linden Lab and my and your creator, (in-world a.k.a. Philip Linden) is nowhere to be found in the listings of the management or the board of Linden Lab.

Philip was the only person in the management or on the board that I felt some personal trust for when it comes to keep the original vision alive.

Did my beloved Philip leave? If so when and for what reason? Why has no one bothered to inform me? What will his removal from the board mean for the residents of SecondLife? And what is my Philip doing now?

Or is this old news to most of you, that I have missed foe some reason or other?

PRISM Magazine, Spring Issue 2013

"Check out the Spring 2013 issue of PRISM Magazine.

It has a new design and feel with content about first life and SecondLife news from around the world.

Click here to Read PRISM Magazine

Our next issue will be the "Pride" issue, 2013 celebrating the Second Pride Festival.

Don't miss out on opportunities to advertise for this great annual event. We're also looking for great articles and opinion pieces from you. For more information, check out the links under PRISM Magazine at"

(From a press release by Second Pride)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


How many times do I have to try to tell you
That I'm sorry for the things I've done
But when I start to try to tell you
That's when you have to tell me
Hey... this kind of trouble's only just begun
I tell myself too many times
Why don't you ever learn to keep your big mouth shut
That's why it hurts so bad to hear the words
That keep on falling from your mouth
Falling from your mouth
Falling from your mouth
Tell me...

I may be mad
I may be blind
I may be viciously unkind
But I can still read what you're thinking
And I've heard is said too many times
That you'd be better off
Why can't you see this boat is sinking
(this boat is sinking this boat is sinking)
Let's go down to the water's edge
And we can cast away those doubts
Some things are better left unsaid
But they still turn me inside out
Turning inside out turning inside out
Tell me...
Tell me...

This is the book I never read
These are the words I never said
This is the path I'll never tread
These are the dreams I'll dream instead
This is the joy that's seldom spread
These are the tears...
The tears we shed
This is the fear
This is the dread
These are the contents of my head
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel?
'cause i don't think you know how I feel
I don't think you know what I feel
I don't think you know what I feel
You don't know what I fee

I am feeling tired and low today, so I went to bed after work and slept until 10 PM local time. I'm still tired, but have to make preparations for the flushing of the sewer pipes that the landlord has ordered for my building tomorrow. There is also a visit in the morning to my Hungarian doctor to take some tests before my visit with him next week. And then I am going to Stockholm on Thursday over the day, it still looks like it will be a very windy flight that I am not particularly looking forward to.

When I just opened my e-mail there was an offline message to me from in-world, with the lyrics of this song. I am confused and tired and don't really know how to interpret it. I may have unintentionally hurt someone. Life sucks. All I can say is that I usually don't have any intention of hurting anyone's feelings, especially not the people I love and have declared my love to repeatedly. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Narrow-Minded Xenophobe

What is the matter with right-wing gay men? Why do so many of them turn out to be stupid, narrow-minded, sexist and bigoted twats?

Not all, mind you, because I know quite a few conservative gay men who are perfectly sane and pleasant to be around, although they have this strange preoccupation with finances, taxes and "the holy market" and these always has to be given priority before the welfare of people (my words, not theirs).

Tobias Billström, photo by Pawel Flota
Meet Tobias Billström, Sweden's Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, the only out gay person in the Swedish government and a member of the right-wing party Moderaterna ("The Moderates" [sic!]).

Tobias Billström has for a long time called unwanted attention to himself by making stupid and ridiculous statements.

Lately he in an interview, when arguing about who the people are that are hiding undocumented immigrants in Sweden, said "Sometimes we are given the impression that the undocumented person who is hidden lives with a nice blond Swedish lady in her 50-60's who wants to help. But that is not the case. Most people live with their compatriots who are neither blond, nor blue-eyed."

Today he was - once again - forced to retract and apologize for that xenophobic statement. 

In my mind his apology should not and cannot save him, because I believe his statement expressed his true opinion in the matter. Tobias Billström is an embarrassment for Sweden, the Swedish government, his party and for himself. The sooner the Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt realizes and acknowledges this and fires Tobias Billström, the better.

With the Sweden Democratic Party getting seats in the Swedish parliament in the last election and the growing xenophobic sentiments in our country we cannot afford to have a minister that expresses inexcusable opinions that should not be heard from a politician claiming to support a democratic and civilized society and governance.

"You Can Call Me Cupid!"

I celebrated Saint Patrick's Day at the Gay Archipelago yesterday.

My mood was excellent and I had bought a stunning new suit, fitting for the occasion, at Marketplace. The suit was a statement in itself which shouted to the world that here comes a fashion forward man with great confidence in himself and his impeccable taste. It was therefore rather disappointing to notice that my finery blended in beautifully with the unfortunate choice of carpeting for the venue.

Being me, I did not let this little adversity spoil my fun in the least.

I was accompanied to the party by my friend Butch Diavolo. The man had an excellent time mocking my wonderful outfit.

Within fifteen seconds of our arrival at the venue the impetuous man was nagging me to animate him. When I had fulfilled his wishes and turned my attention to the assembled guests, I soon noticed that he suddenly stopped dancing with me and was not dancing beside me anymore.

After looking around for him I saw that he had thrown himself at poor innocent Judas/Atreyu/Craig and was now dancing couples dances with the young man instead. Please notice where the eager young man has placed his large hand... even if it can hardly be noticed on Butch's huge ass which is as wide as a barn door.

I said to Butch, "Here I bring you to a dance and you dump me in the middle of the dance floor for a hormone-fueled young lad, whom you met little more than a fortnight ago?" Butch answered me in his usual sullen way, "I have known Judas a long time, I only re-met him at Garth's and Mitch's wedding."

Lately I have become aware of that my mere presence somewhere seems to be a catalyst for budding romantic entanglements around me. I informed Butch about this phenomenon and told him "You can call me Cupid!". He simply snorted at my profound insight.

As the two men started to draw the whole venues attention to themselves in the most scandalous way (they should really have gotten a room) I called in the cavalry in the shapes of first the sweet Ziggy and, a short while later, my son Guyke.

Although Guyke had to leave shortly afterwards, it was good to see him again as he has been away in first life. Ziggy has also been busy with his first life so it was good to get a few dances with him and catch up before I had to leave for my beauty sleep.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Teaser

As some of you may know, I am a devoted follower of the greatest male fashionista in SecondLife, Apmel Goosson. I have an exquisite and sure taste with a daring, truly fashion forward and avantgarde streak.

Above is the outfit I chose for today's celebration of St. Patrick's Day in SecondLife, More to come tomorrow when I will also reveal who and why someone said "You can call me Cupid!" to Butch Diavolo.