Monday, August 5, 2013

I Voted Today!

I voted in the election for the Second Pride board of 2014 today, at the earliest possible opportunity for me. As I had followed the forums and other activities closely during the campaign it was not difficult at all for me to decide whom I should vote for.

For a while I contemplated sharing how I voted for the different candidates with you, but I decided against it. I did so mainly because I did not want to influence you one way or the other.

Whom you vote for is a matter for you alone to decide. We trust or distrust people for a huge variety of different reasons and we all have our individual preferences and personal visions for the future of Second Pride.

All I ask of ya'll is that you do your part now and cast your votes. Your vote matters! And oh, just one more thing, rest assured the world will still spin and Second Pride will still survive whatever the outcome will be.

Be Responsible, Go Vote & Be Proud!

"The Cuteness that is Guyke"™

Today my beloved stepson Guyke Lundquist is another year older in his first life, but still none the wiser and as lovable and charming as ever before!

Happy Zesentwintig Weer again my sweet Guykechen. I love you to bits, my darling!

For an explanation of the quaint Flemish custom (which is a fabrication by my weird imagination) please read my post last year about Zesentwintig Weer .

Sunday, August 4, 2013


We have had a few days of exceptionally hot weather in Scandinavia, yesterday it was over 30°C (86°F) and today around 26°C (79°F).

I have had a headache lurking behind my eyebrows and at the back of my head preparing to pounce me.all day. So I was not in the best of moods when I logged into my SecondLife this evening.
Having scared the living daylights out of Guyke and Heloq by dropping in on them without prior announcement, I did feel a little better in an evil sort of way.

After a  little chat with a testy Butch and a charming Huntington I was almost on the mend so I thought I would take a shower to round it off. This was actually the first time I tried out my shower, I like the animations.
It didn't, instead the headache hit me full force and I logged off in a hurry to take some medication and a cold shower in first life too.

Just Do It !

Voting will commence in the election of the Second Pride board for 2014 at 00:01AM August 5th through midnight August 9th.

You must have joined the Second Pride Festival Group by midnight August 4th to be able to vote for your candidates.

Vote wisely, vote with care but above all just go it - VOTE!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Countdown for Kro - 13

Still thirteen long and terrible days until Kro returns, but its still one day less than yesterday... but I believe that Dej may survive!

I Am Totally Biased!

Recently I and my poor little blog have gained some attention due to my posts concerning the upcoming Second Pride election.

I have received messages and emails asking me to post this or that "to prove" that I am unbiased and objective. It is totally beyond me how anyone can think I am unbiased or even attempting to be that.  I am a blogger, not a journalist. Every post I run is something I myself find interesting and have an opinion about, which I in rare cases choose not to share with you. Usually however I will tell you what I believe, think or feel in no uncertain terms.

In this election I have asked the candidates certain questions that I believe are relevant and pertinent. I have done so respectfully and with no interest whatsoever of "bashing" them or making personal attacks in anyway. Despite this I have, more than once, been accused of bashing or personally attacking some candidates, sometimes even by the candidates themselves.

I have also been asked or told - anonymously or straightforwardly - to ask a certain candidate something or other. I have always refused to do so because I am not a mouthpiece for anyone but myself,. If someone else wishes to ask a question they should do so themselves.

I of course realize that others do not always agree with me, and however distasteful I may find their views I will allow them to comment on my blog as long as they stick to the issue and don't attack other commenters or people, should they wish to launch a personal attack at me they are welcome to do so.  I have only ever removed one (1) real comment and several hundred spam comments. The real comment I removed was a personal attack on an avatar and had no relevance to the post at all. Even the four Swedish female avatars that I utterly detest, can and have indeed left comments here even if I have expressly asked them never to do so.

In spite of this I today received an acidic message in private on Facebook from someone whom I thought was a friend, thanking me for permitting him "to leave a comment on (my) magnanimous blog". This totally irked me.

So be warned, I am opinionated and totally biased. Always!

Pastafarian Victory

(via J.M.G.)
"Prankster Lukáš Nový, from Brno in the Czech Republic, claims that his Pastafarian faith means he has to wear the sieve at all times. Officials ruled that turning down Novy's request would be a breach of the country's religious equality laws. Brno City Hall spokesman Pavel Zara explained: 'The application complies with the laws of the Czech Republic where headgear for religious or medical reasons is permitted if it does not hide the face.' Novy claims to be a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (webpage), when emerged in the USA as spoof on organised religion. According to its tongue-in-cheek website their 'only dogma ... is the rejection of dogma'. Members claim to believe that an invisible alien made of spaghetti and meatballs created the universe after 'drinking heavily."
I love the way Czech bureaucracy handles the prankster!