Showing posts with label headache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label headache. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2019

It's My Twelfth Rezday!

Today is my 12th rezday and I am taking the day off from SecondLife as I have a  terrible headache. I hope you are celebrating it all the same.

This is a picture to show y'all what I looked like on Saturday, December 8th, 2007.  
Evander Milena, Ars Northmead (who was later to become my husband) and I
on the far right. I was a brunette those days because all blond hair was yellow.
The photo was taken at Ars' skybox, the pictures in the background are of him with his head shaved.   

Monday, January 7, 2019


My flesh avatar has been taken over by Orthomyxoviridae (i.e. influenza viruses). I am sick as a dog, with fever, head- & boneaches and tiredness. 

I hope to see you all soon if I survive...

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I am grumpy this evening and am going to make it an early night.

A list of possible, but not extensive, reasons for my grumpiness
  1. I haven't seen my Tomais since the weekend
  2. DST ended on Sunday morning in Europe, and I have a DST-hangover (phrase coined by Butch Diavolo)
  3. I didn't sleep well last night
  4. I had a dentist appointment first thing this morning
  5. I haven't seen my Tomais since the weekend and he is teasing me with amazing pictures of himself
  6. I miss Tomais
  7. I'm hungry but it's after 8PM and I don't want to stuff my mouth this late
  8. I have a slight headache
  9. I wish every country on the Northern Hemisphere switched to and from DST at the same day
  10. I am bad at writing lists like these...
Good night, stay safe and hopefully I will see some of you tomorrow. If you should happen to see my lover in-world, please tell him that I am doing spectacularly well and don't seem to miss him at all!

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Medical Use of Butt Plugs

Butt plugs used to be sold to Americans as a "miracle cure" for insomnia, insanity, headaches, bad breath and acne and a wide range of other maladies.

Sold under the name "Dr Young’s Ideal Rectal Dilators", early primitive forms of butt plugs have been traced back to the late 1800's.

Dr Young’s Ideal Rectal Dilators were made from jelly-like material, with one set the dilators coming in a set of four “torpedolike” rods, from a little half-incher to a four-inch long and inch-wide version (ouch!).

Writing in a 1893 medical journal, the eponymous Dr Young touted the devices as a cure for insanity, insisting that it could cure 75% of people considered insane "in a few weeks' time". The device grew in its alleged benefits the longer that it was on the market, benefiting from lax regulation on medical devices.

Read more about it and how the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1938 put an end to all the fun over at PinkNews: Butt plugs used to be sold as a ‘miracle cure’ for headaches and acne.

I think I am going to try these as my "go-to cure" for my migraine, insomnia and every other kind of illness I encounter from now on.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


We have had a few days of exceptionally hot weather in Scandinavia, yesterday it was over 30°C (86°F) and today around 26°C (79°F).

I have had a headache lurking behind my eyebrows and at the back of my head preparing to pounce me.all day. So I was not in the best of moods when I logged into my SecondLife this evening.
Having scared the living daylights out of Guyke and Heloq by dropping in on them without prior announcement, I did feel a little better in an evil sort of way.

After a  little chat with a testy Butch and a charming Huntington I was almost on the mend so I thought I would take a shower to round it off. This was actually the first time I tried out my shower, I like the animations.
It didn't, instead the headache hit me full force and I logged off in a hurry to take some medication and a cold shower in first life too.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Worst Headache In Living Memory

I had the worst headache this millenium that I can remember on Monday. It started around midnight and kept on - despite medication - until late Monday evening. The cause is most likely my need for new glasses/lenses after the transplant of the lens in my right eye a few weeks ago.

I am however now back again with a somewhat reduced capacity and have booked an appointment with an optician next week to get a new prescription for glasses.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Weekend of Headaches

I have been suffering from a severe, throbbing and head splitting headache since Friday afternoon. Heavy medication with painkillers has not helped much but for a few hours today I was able to log inworld.

These headaches are not unfamiliar to me, I can remember having them from time to time ever since puberty, perhaps even before that. Usually the headaches respond well to painkillers - if I take take the pills in time. This time the headache did not go away completely it only varied in force.

The last few months I have also noticed a recurrence of diplopia (double vision), mostly when reading but at other occasions also. When I look at a text or a picture I see a shadow image next to it, the condition is accentuated when I am tired. The shadow image can sometimes be so bad that everything goes blurry. This problem is actually a complete mystery to me as I can only see clearly with one eye, the other one only works for peripheral vision as I cannot consciously control its focal point.

At my last visit with my sweet Hungarian doctor I asked for a referral to an ophthalmologist, which he was kind to grant me. I have an appointment for tomorrow at 11 AM. Hopefully I will learn if something can be done about it all.

The Weekend of Headaches

I have been suffering from a severe, throbbing and head splitting headache since Friday afternoon. Heavy medication with painkillers has not helped much but for a few hours today I was able to log inworld.

These headaches are not unfamiliar to me, I can remember having them from time to time ever since puberty, perhaps even before that. Usually the headaches respond well to painkillers - if I take take the pills in time. This time the headache did not go away completely it only varied in force.

The last few months I have also noticed a recurrence of diplopia (double vision), mostly when reading but at other occasions also. When I look at a text or a picture I see a shadow image next to it, the condition is accentuated when I am tired. The shadow image can sometimes be so bad that everything goes blurry. This problem is actually a complete mystery to me as I can only see clearly with one eye, the other one only works for peripheral vision as I cannot consciously control its focal point.

At my last visit with my sweet Hungarian doctor I asked for a referral to an ophthalmologist, which he was kind to grant me. I have an appointment for tomorrow at 11 AM. Hopefully I will learn if something can be done about it all.