Saturday, August 17, 2013

A New Beginning

After the SP2014 board elections and the devastation it caused in the relations between different groups in the LGBT community of SecondLife the week following the announcement of the new board of directors has been rife with hurt feelings, bitterness and name calling. Today however I saw a few hopeful signs that a healing process may have begun. 

First I was contacted by a person who was hurt by my blogging of the election. Instead of lashing out at me this time he took the time to explain to me with calm and great care why he had been hurt in a way that I could understand. I explained to him my position and that I never had any intention of hurting anyones feelings but merely to give my personal view on the events. Although we did not say so explicitly, I feel we may perhaps have made a lasting truce.

Later in the day my attention was directed to some wonderful initiatives by Karl Kalchek, the incoming Community Relations Director.

Even before he gets installed on the Second Pride board tomorrow, Karl has started building bridges. A first step was been taken by him in establishing a blog Second Pride Community Relations. (I have added it to my blogroll for your future convenience.)

On the blog Karl tells us why he took this step:
"The purpose of this blog is to create a forum where ideas about increasing diversity and improving Second Pride can be discussed. My hope is for a frank but positive conversation about why some parts of our community feel excluded, unwelcome, or disinterested.
To me, community building is at the very heart of any LGTB effort – including Second Pride. But community building is not something that one person – or even a Board -can do. To be successful, change has to have the support of the community. Through this blog I am asking for your support: Your ideas, your contacts – your knowledge of what’s worked or not worked in the past. With the help of the community, I hope we can not make Second Pride not just bigger but better for everyone in the community."
The second step - and this is really awesome news - Karl reached out to Joshua Drew, one of his contenders in the election, and asked him to Co-Chair with him. And lo and behold, Joshie accepted the offer! I cannot commend the two enough.

I share the same hopes as Joshie tells us about in his comment to this announcement on the Community Relations blog on why he accepted the position:
"I am happy to accept Karl’s offer to be his Co-Chair/Co-Director in Community Relations. He and I compliment each other very well because we have different strengths and are tied to different communities. Karl is considered a “Bear” and me a “Twink” – yet here we are, great friends who respect each other and want to work together to actually build the bridges and communities ties that all of the candidates talked about during the campaign.
SecondPride was never meant to be an all “Gay Male Club” that throws a big Pride event once a year. Through our partnership, right out of the gate from the election, we hope to send a message to the LGBT Community that we welcome everyone. Now, I am happy to throw all of my support behind Karl and work with him as a team to make SecondPride much more inclusive and even more successful than ever before."

Today's "Must-Do"

"We’ll “occupy” virtual Moscow from 10am – Noon PDT. After the march everyone is invited to Agnes’ hideaway for a dance party. The cause is serious, but we can still have fun."

Vanessa Blaylock

Reblogged from my bosom buddy Apmel Goosson's blog "My Avatar's Name is Apmel"

A Silent Protest

This is old news, but I still felt the need to blog about it as it shows us all - even opinionated loudmouths like myself - that one can sometimes convey a clear message extremely successfully and very subtly.
Emma Green Trégaro is a Swedish athlete and straight ally, who competed in high jump at the world championships in Moscow on Thursday. She colored her fingernails in rainbow-colors to show support for the LGBT community in Russia against the country's new homophobic law.

On a side note I would like to add that,  in my mind, Emma's second most notable achievement in life is catching and marrying a former crush of mine, the former high jumper and now successful trainer Yannick Trégaro.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Holt It Right There: A very special show by the Spirit Dance Company

This post is reblogged from Holt It Right There: A very special show Spirit Light Dance Company. Please go there for more information.

Lets meet there tomorrow to show our support!
Saturday August 17th, 1PM SLT

We are celebrating diversity and creativity in second life, as part of Waynenz's birthday month, by sponsoring a special production of Spirit Dance Company's Neon, a show of spectacular dancing and special effects. The show should last around half hour to 40 minutes, and everyone is invited!

Please join us, and help spread the word: 

Saturday August 17th, 1 PM SLT at Spirit Light Dance Company"

Poll Results: Most Overused Word

The results of the poll are in and are clear as you can see.

The real thriller was for a while if "Lag" or "Drama" would win, but in the final hours "Drama" pulled away and won with a mere three votes.

So I am happy to announce that "Drama" is the most overused word in SecondLife according to the readers of Bock in SecondLife.

Lets make a deal and promise each other to use the ugly word less in the future!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Countdown for Kro - 1

Its finally the last day, we are counting hours and minutes now, until Kro is resting safely in Dejerrity's loving arms!

You actually made it Dej! I am so proud of you for surviving this three week ordeal without losing your marbles completely.

To Kro I would like to say, "Welcome back buddy, don't ever leave me alone with this love-crazed lunatic again, please!"

Daily Affirmation

I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it!

There, I think it actually helped, I am not thinking about sex any longer! DAMN, here I go again...

I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! I am not thinking about it! (ad infinitum...)

The picture is quoted from my buddy Torro Spyker's blog The Bullring. Torro's sense for masculine beauty is  almost immaculate! (Which of course is a way of saying that it agrees with my taste in about 97,6843% of his choices.)