Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Barilla Boycott (Updated)

Poor Guido Barilla, he has had a hell of a long weekend due to his big mouth and airing his thoughtless bigotry.

One would think that chairpersons of large International companies had staffers to coach them and guide them at every step, especially when meeting the media, but somehow it is refreshing to sometimes actually hear one of them speak his honest opinion, even if it is to the detriment of his family and their business.

The has this brilliant summary of how it all started going sour for poor Guido on Thursday:
Guido Barilla, who controls the fourth-generation Barilla Group family business with his two brothers, sparked outrage among activists, consumers and some politicians when he said he would not consider using a gay family to advertise Barilla pasta.
"For us the concept of the sacred family remains one of the basic values of the company," he told Italian radio on Wednesday evening. "I would not do it but not out of a lack of respect for homosexuals who have the right to do what they want without bothering others … [but] I don't see things like they do and I think the family that we speak to is a classic family."
Asked what effect he thought his attitude would have on gay consumers of pasta, Barilla said: "Well, if they like our pasta and our message they will eat it; if they don't like it and they don't like what we say they will … eat another."
In response, Aurelio Mancuso, chairman of Equality Italia, accused Barilla of being deliberately provocative. "Accepting the invitation of Barilla's owner to not eat his pasta, we are launching a boycott campaign against all his products," he added.
Although poor Guido, his family and the company have since worked tirelessly trying to rectify his faux pas with a written statement and a video of poor Guido being forced to read the statement (both posted prominently on the company website), these attempts however don't have the same honest ring to them as when he spoke from his heart. They therefore fail miserably in convincing anyone.

Bock in SecondLife recommends all its readers (gays and straight allies) to follow the recommendation of poor Guido Barilla himself and refrain from purchasing any products belonging to that particular group of bigoted misogynists and homophobes. I am joining the Barilla boycott and will certainly not be forcing my pink money on products from a company that doesn't accept me and my kind. The thing I will miss most due to this decision is actually not the pasta, but my preferred "knäckebröd" (the Swedish hard-rye crisp bread) from Wasa.

The brands in the Barilla Group are
Mulino Bianco,
Academia Barilla
(France and Russia),
Misko (Greece), 
Filiz (Turkey),
Yemina and 
Vesta (Mexico)

Update September 30, 2013
Josh Rimer, a Canadian YouTube Marketer, has made a parody of poor Guido's insincere apology. My thanks to Anonymous for informing me about it in the comments to this post.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Trance-Atlantic Goes Pink

The Next Step

The time was exactly 8:10 on a beautiful and sunny Tuesday morning when I suddenly found myself laying full length and facedown on the cobblestones outside the main railway station of Malmö.

I had been hastily making my way from the railway station to my sweet, old, Hungarian doctor's surgery nearby, for one of my regular visits. It is still unclear to me whether I tripped on a curb or slipped, but somehow I had barely prevented myself from smashing my teeth and nose on the ground. I could however taste the dust and grit from the street on my lips.

At first I was simply embarrassed and grumbled to myself in my native tongue "satans, helvetes, förbannade, djävla skit", then slowly I started checking sensations from my body to ascertain its condition. I felt a slight pain from my right hand and and wrist and from my right knee, otherwise everything seemed OK. As onlookers hurried to my assistance and asked how I was doing, I slowly rose to my feet again, dusted myself off, smiled shyly and told them that I had been lucky and everything was fine.

The visit with the doctor was good. I could honestly tell him that I was feeling excellent and that I had not had any mood swings since before the summer. He, in turn, informed me that my observations were corroborated by the results of the blood tests, which apparently showed vast improvements from the lifestyle changes I had made.

However, the beneficial news and my lousy results on a Spirometry test that had been conducted recently, moved him on towards urging me to "take the next step", which of course is the favorite subject of any one from the medical professions when they encounter a smoker, i.e. to quit smoking.

My doctor knows me well enough by now than to try to badger me, so the dear man spoke softly and convincingly with me for about twenty minutes and finally made me agree to "move forward". I have now made a commitment to quit smoking and also have the Champix-medication to help me in doing it, whenever I decide to start the cure. It will be my secret and I am not telling anyone, except a few chosen ones so that they can keep their eyes open to signs of recurring depression and other negative side effects.

Later the same day, after lunch, I began feeling stronger pains from my right wrist, especially if and when I tried any rotating movement, and I also noticed a pronounced swelling of my hand and around the wrist. These problem have continued during the rest of the week, but are now slowly getting better. As I am completely right handed, this at the time being means that I prefer chatting in voice and that my last remaining sexual thrills are totally - albeit temporarily - screwed. Hopefully this will soon pass so I can stop feeling sorry for myself and start the new project in making beneficial changes in my life.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fantasy Gay Pride 2013, September 27-October 6

From a press release kindly supplied by Garth Raleigh, the lead of Gay Archipelago
Fantasy Gay Pride opens on Friday September 27 and ends on Sunday October 6

Your ride to the Fantasy Gay Pride (SLurl)

Every year a small group of creators get together to create a weeklong celebration of everything LGBT. Their aim is to promote acceptance of all positive sexual orientations and of all genders. All sexualities are very welcome to the festival to raise awareness of these issues worldwide - all on a unique, one time only island, created for this event.

Find your inner Fae! A fantastic and intriguing land with creations and magic never seen before from our very talented fantasy and fae designers.

Come and immerse yourselves in legend and wonder, ancient Archetypes we all hold deep in our psyches... the curious... the strange... the challenging... Our fae nature resonates to these strong and subtle primal earth energies. These ancient powers.

We fight for global LGBT rights - there are still countries where gays are attacked and tortured and being gay is punishable by imprisonment or death. But we are glad the movement for marriage equality is growing and going from strength to strength, as more and more countries embrace and champion it. We will get there, LGBT people will be accepted everywhere - we will demand it as a fundamental human right and have a great deal of fun doing it!

The program of events

Friday September 27
  • 1PM Sim Opening With Wolfgang Glinka - Gay Poet & Novelist 
  • 2PM-4PM Celebration Dance at the Castle - DJ Dance with DJ Shay Sunnyside- Princes and Princesses
  • HUNT! ongoing Sept 27- Oct 6
Saturday September 28
  • 12PM (noon) Hammerfla Magic
  • 1PM "The Fairy Who Loses His Wings" Fairy Show by Whinge & Pluckett (Karalia Halostar & Greville Oh)
  • 2pm to 4pm - DJ DANCE (Shay Sunnyside or Starhawk Starostin)
Sunday September 29
  • 12PM (noon) Brendan Shoreland
  • 2PM-4PM - DJ DANCE - DJ Lysana Celtic Myths and Legends
Monday September 3
  • 8AM Wedding of Gog Nirvana and Rian OHanlan
  • [no performances]
Tuesday October 1
  • 1PM Wolfgang Glinka - Poetry
  • 5 PM Anek Fuchs
Wednesday October 2
  • 7PM "The Fairy Who Loses His Wings" Fairy Show by Whinge & Pluckett (Karalia Halostar & Greville Oh)
Thursday October 3
  • 4PM Anek Fuchs
Friday October 4
  • [no performances]
Saturday October 5
  • 12PM (noon) Hammerfla Magic
  • 1PM Key Drammond
  • 2PM-4PM - DJ DANCE (Shay Sunnyside or Starhawk Starostin)
Sunday October 6
  • 10AM  Max Kleene
  • 11AM Keeba Tammas
  • 12PM (noon) Brendan Shoreland
  • 2PM-4PM - DJ DANCE- Astoria Luminos "Fairy Tales"

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Björn Borg Says Da!

The Björn Borg Company (men's underwear) is now moving into the Russian market, starting with e-commerce. They have therefore an opening advertisement in today's Moscow Times, which is a business daily that is distributed free at 500 locations in Moscow and is primarily geared at traders.

"[The] opening ad is a way for us to reach the Russian public opinion. We have long advocated the equality of all levels. It is a human right to love and to love whoever you want, and we will mark it with the advertisement in the Moscow Times today", says Lina Soderqvist, Marketing Director at Björn Borg in a press release.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Rezday Holter!

My friend Holter first rezzed in SecondLife on September 24, 2011, so this is only his second rezday.

Holter's partner Wayne invites everyone who knows Holter to come celebrate with them today at 6-8PM SLT.

I wish I could have celebrated this kind and caring man, but timezones are a bitch and I have to work tomorrow.

Your Bus to Holter's rezday party at Toru (SLurl)