Saturday, October 19, 2013

HRC Wins "Best Social Media Campaign 2013"

From the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) blog:
"Tuesday night at Mashable’s inaugural award show in New York City, HRC was recognized as this year’s “Best Social Media Campaign” for the Supreme Court digital strategy that launched the red equality logo.
The Mashies celebrates the best in digital across marketing, advertising and social media. HRC was nominated alongside Wieden+Kennedy’s Nike Greatness campaign by and Ignition Interactive’s Prometheus Integrated campaign.

HRC’s campaign, which included the viral red equality logo, captured the attention of millions in the lead up to the historic Supreme Court’s marriage equality decisions. From actors to musicians and athletes to TV personalities, dozens of celebrities shared the modified HRC logo or supportive messages about marriage equality with millions of followers. According to an official Facebook analysis, 120 percent more people changed their profile picture on Tuesday, March 26 – the first day of oral arguments -- when compared to the previous Tuesday. It is the largest social media campaign analysts have seen to date."

A Mission to Krakow

“Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła” are the first words is the national anthem of Poland. Translated to English they mean "Poland Is Not Yet Lost".

The words became relevant in a discussion yesterday at  a summit meeting at Southern Charm. The recent discovery of an age-old peace treaty in SecondLife from as far back as 1993 whereby the citizens of the Polish town of Krakow with SecondLife avatars swore eternal allegiance to the laird of Southern Charm (or his legitimate predecessor). Over time the treaty had been forgotten and no efforts had been made to develop or consolidate the alliance.

The discussion concerned whether or not it was meaningful for Southern Charm to try to revive or revitalize the treaty or if Krakow should be given up. At one point in the discussion HRH prince Wild Zepp, who always finds a way to show off his multilingual talents exclaimed, "Noch ist Polen nicht verloren", which is the German translation of the initial words in the Polish anthem. 

This enthusiastic outburst completely changed the mood of the meeting, and instead of asking whether or not a mission should be sent to Krakow to salvage what was possible the conversation switched to when and how the mission should be formed.

It was finally decided that the mission of "love, peace and cordiality" much include the laird himself accompanied by an unwedded prince and a an unwedded princess of his immediate family. The latter two would be married off with some Krakowians to further strengthen the bond. "With their beautiful faces, bodies and minds and their charming dispositions the residents of Krakow will not be able to resist us!", HRH princess Hedda Millar said.

The two unmarried royalty that were chosen from within the family were HRH princess Minerva Xenno and HRH prince Matt Gaboian, who were both able and willing albeit a bit concerned about how this would end.

It was determined that the mission would leave, with a rudimentary following of only fifty people to care for and serve the royal's immediate needs. as soon as possible, i.e. the next Tuesday and return back on Sunday.

"Krakow is still Ours", the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally also UN appointed Protector of the Solace Island and Mount Whitney sims in SecondLife, concluded with a happy smile.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Yadkin Valley Festival 2013

Free ride to the Yadkin Valley Festival 2013

The Yadkin Valley Festival is the Woodstock or Roskilde festival of SecondLife. Hopefully there will be lots of rain and a muddy camping site to make for wonderful memories in the future. The camping site opened on Thursday, you can borrow or set up your own tent for the weekend.

This is a party lasting all weekend with loads of live artists and other entertainment going on all the time. Events are announced in the SecondLife group Iendis Transistor.

Confirmed live artists are Bara Jonson & Free Balan, Oldwolf Criss, Hazie Moonwall and Lisa Brune. DJ Apollon, DJ Rultan, DJ Ikaros, DJ Kicki and DJ Alf will all have parties Fishing Tournament and other prestigious competitions.

Listen in on the festivalradio at

Thursday, October 17, 2013

XELLE - Red Flag

(via J.M.G.)

Join the I Raise A Red Flag movement for worldwide LGBT equality at

Red Flag (Lyrics written by Zach Adam, JC Cassis, Rony G.)

I feel like we are moving back in time
The world seems upside down
We're crashing to the ground, yeah

Although I know some battles have been won
We've got a way to go
Until we win the war

Ain't gonna stop until I get there
Ain't gonna rest until I get fair
Ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop
I have a dream, have a dream dream dream

Ain't gonna rest till I get respect
Can't let history repeat itself
Ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop
I have a dream, have a dream dream dream

People shutting people out, I see a red flag
People taking people's rights, I see a red flag
See a red flag, see a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters
When they take away your freedom, it's a red flag
When they take what makes you human, it's a red flag
It's a red flag, it's a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters

This is about you
This is about me
This is about us all
Not one community
You're no authority on what is right or wrong
When you make somebody weaker, it doesn't make you strong
What if someone tried to take away your rights?
Told you who you can love, who you can marry, how to live your life?
Freedom shouldn't come with a price-pricetag
Time to raise your voice, raise your head, raise a red flag

Ain't gonna stop until I get there
Ain't gonna rest until I get fair
Ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop
No, no, no

Ain't gonna rest till I get respect
Can't let history repeat itself
Ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop, ain't gonna stop
I have a dream

People shutting people out, I see a red flag
People taking people's rights, I see a red flag
See a red flag, see a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters
When they take away your freedom, it's a red flag
When they take what makes you human, it's a red flag
It's a red flag, it's a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters

There's blood in the streets
And fear in the air
Won't let 'em convince us
That we shouldn't care
'Cause we know what's wrong
And we'll stand together
Let's make a change that lasts forever

People shutting people out, I see a red flag
People taking people's rights, I see a red flag
See a red flag, see a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters
When they take away your freedom, it's a red flag
When they take what makes you human, it's a red flag
It's a red flag, it's a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters

People shutting people out, I see a red flag
People taking people's rights, I see a red flag
See a red flag, see a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters
When they take away your freedom, it's a red flag
When they take what makes you human, it's a red flag
It's a red flag, it's a red flag, gotta stand up for my brothers and my sisters

Monday, October 14, 2013


In a world full of wars, famine, abuse, violence, mutilations, rapes, persecutions and diseases etc., etc., I have spent my last few days wallowing in a turmoil of completely self obsessed and destructive self-pity. 

Sure part of it can be blamed on my medication, but I still cannot understand how I could lose my perspective and all self control to such an extent that I only felt angry, hurt and terribly frustrated over something this silly.

It is no one else's fault. I am not a victim and I have not been wronged in any way. The present situation is all of my own doing and choice, both when I acquired the habit of smoking and now when I decided to stop. 

Its time to put an end to this self-destructive mindset and keep moving on with my life and my choices.  I am sorry for trying your patience and thank the many that have shown me sympathy. Next time just slap me and tell me to get real!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Second Thoughts

So, on my last visit with my sweet old Hungarian doctor I was told I needed to stop smoking. Just as I have been told by other doctors, parents, friends, lovers and coworkers ever since I started smoking. The only difference was that this time I listened, which I am now regretting.

Anti-Smoking Sign, Zion, Illinois (circa 1915)
I am now well into the second week of my Champix-treatment and I passed my preset cutoff date on Thursday. As I was having second thoughts then I moved it to Saturday, i.e. today. I have had a miserable week and have started experiencing some of the side effects of the drug, but have soldiered on despite the clear signs of the onset of another depression.

Those signs are are no strangers to me and I recognize them with a small nod as they turn up, one after the other, like long lost acquaintances. The tiredness, the unsociableness, the complete boredom with everything and everyone (but mainly myself), the feelings of ugliness, unwantedness and self inflicted loneliness and isolation.

Today I did not smoke at all during the whole day, and with the medication that went smoothly - physiologically. I felt almost no withdrawal symptoms from my body and when I did, I sprayed some nicotine in the mouth and they passed within a minute. But emotionally and psychologically I have suffered all day, which is ridiculous really because I didn't really think those parts of me would be the problem.

Intellectually I have accepted the fact that I must quit smoking or else I am well on my way to getting COPD. I can stop that developing by quitting, so I must quit. There really isn't much more to it. I also accept the fact that continued smoking can cause my death or cause other health issues. I am finally well aware of the ever increasing social stigma against tobacco smoking.

Yet, I feel like a part of me is being ripped away, a part that has given me comfort, fun and relief for so many years. What will the new me be like? Will I like it? And is it really necessary for me to live past my 70th birthday, I will not have much of a pension then anyway will I? Why am I doing this to myself?

Anyway, even if I did go out and buy a pack of cigarettes at 10PM local time and have smoked three already, I am going to try again tomorrow.

...and if I don't feel better mentally on Monday I am going to call my doctor and ask his advice on whether to continue or stop the Champix-treatment. 

Delayed Reaction

Yesterday the Swedish Academy announced that the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2013 was going to "the contemporary master of the short story", the Canadian author Alice Munro.
Alice Munro (Photo by Derek Shapton)
My reaction to the news is aptly described by this music video...

So it seems that  I now need to get to know another Canadian, it will be a pleasure as always, I'm sure!