Monday, September 10, 2018

Thriller Ends In A Toss-Up

Yesterday 6,328,643 (84.4%) of the Swedish electorate voted and created what pundit's call "an interesting parliamentary situation", others (like myself) would rather call it a royal mess.

Swedish politics has for the last two decades been dominated by two parliamentary "blocks". One side, called "the red/green mess", consisting of the Social Democratic Party and the Green Party with additional support from the Left Party. The other side, called"the Alliance", consisting of the Moderate Party (previously Right Party), the Christian Democratic Party, the Center Party, and the Liberals.

The blocks have over time been fairly even, with the tides turning one way or the other and splitting the 349 seats of the Swedish parliament in various ways.

Three elections ago the Sweden Democrats walked on to the parliamentary scene. First in a small way, then increasing four years ago and finally increasing a bit again this year (although far from their own expectations). They were hoping to become the largest or at least the second largest party in the parliament and get close to 25% of the votes. That did not happen!

Election Night ended with the red/green mess having 144 seats in parliament, the Alliance with 143 seats and the Sweden Democrats with 62. All the other parties stated emphatically that they would have nothing to do with the Sweden Democrats, nor work with them or rely on their support in any way.

None of the blocks can form a government with reliable support without someone from the opposing block. This will hopefully lead to the end of the bloody ironclad political blocks, but it still remains to see how it will turn-out.  

So there are still some final votes to be tallied, about 150, 000, which will happen on Wednesday. However, even if a seat could be moved one of the blocks to the other it will not in any way change the situation. 

It will be two interesting weeks to follow the maneuverings of the politicians until the parliament reconvenes to elect a prime minister.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Unfortunate Choice

This is the new logo of the Swedish Liberals.

Sometimes one wonders what people are thinking - or (in this case) not thinking - when they are involved in the process of choosing a new logo.

Perhaps they just have very limited frames of references? Strange, I know several liberals who are gay and should have stopped this.

The unfortunate choice of a logo has, of course, led to some hilarity and new versions on the same theme.

Civic Duty - Voting ✓

Today the nation in the European Union named the Kingdom of Sweden is having elections for the national, regional and local parliaments.

I have, of course, performed my duty to democracy, myself, my friends and family, my compatriots, my nation and for all future generations by casting my vote on one of the democratic parties running for election. I will keep my votes to myself, as is my democratic right, however, I will reveal one of the parties I did not vote for in any of the elections.

I did not vote for The Sweden Democrats, because it is a populist, anti-intellectual, xenophobic, Islamophobic party, infested by Nazi ghouls from the past and Neo-Nazis from the present.

Their solution to every political problem they encounter is simple and easy and speaks to the lowest and most vile common denominator within the Swedish population and is not based on factual evidence at all but on thoughts, feelings, and beliefs based on prejudice.

Areas of politics and the Sweden Democrats solution

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

Housing Shortage:
"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

"Bla, bla, bla and then we kick out the immigrants, the refugees, and the Muslims and send them back to where they came from. Sweden will be back to what it was in the early 50's when life was beautiful."

Etc, etc, ad infinitum!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

New Second Pride Bylaws Adopted

The new Second Pride bylaws were adopted by unanimous vote of the seated board of directors in a meeting held yesterday.

The new bylaws are the same as the proposed version and are linked under Documents in the site menu (url to the PDF). Minutes of the meeting will be posted soon.

I could live happily without the silly and unnecessary term limits that are continued from the old bylaws. Especially considering the dearth of candidates the last couple of years.

The combination of seven directorships into three is understandable considering the dearth of candidates the last couple of years.

However, bylaws can always be amended in the future if the need arises, so I am grateful for the overhaul and clean up.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

SP Meeting on Proposed New Bylaws

The Second Pride board will have a meeting today Wednesday, September 5, 2018, at 6.30 PM SLT. The meeting is open to the membership as always.

Meeting agenda:
1) Call to order
2) Motion to adopt meeting minutes
3) Board Vote on proposed Bylaws
4) Motion to Adjourn

Teleport to Second Pride HQ (SLurl).

Second Pride Election Update

According to a notice in the Second Pride Festival group, the ongoing election for Build & Marketing Directors has been temporarily suspended due to a technical glitch in the equipment.

Voting will, according to the notice, recommence with a different method as soon as possible.

The Chair and the board extends its apologies to the candidates and the membership.

I applaud Rez and the board for acting promptly when the problems were noticed. After all, we all want a result we can rely on that reflects the will of the membership.