Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Chair's Opening Speech at Second Pride Festival

Lee McKay's, the Chair of Second Pride, speech at the opening of the Second Pride Festival yesterday.
The Second Pride board, Lee McKay, Bock McMillan & Tootsie Nootan
(missing in the picture is i0n, who is currently on sick-leave.)
Photo by JJ Goodman
"I promise I won’t interrupt the party for long! I want to thank everyone for coming out today for the opening of Second Pride 2019, and the debut of our newly redesigned Second Pride region. We hope you’re ready to have some fun and celebrate Pride!
We’re doing something different this year in that we now consider our region to be a permanent build that will remain in place for the foreseeable future. We are also a Second Life Gateway region and will soon have new people entering Second Life right through our own Gateway in the northeast corner of the region. I hope you’ll go check out the progress on that. It will be opening in the near future. 
If you’re curious about how this build came to be, I was watching a video of Diana Ross performing in Central Park in 1983, and the shots of the park and the buildings in the background just looked and felt inspiring. I showed a really simple mockup of the idea to Bock and to his husband, Tomais, and within days, the building started, spurred on by a very generous donation of all these buildings in the Old NYC collection from Schultz Bros. We thank them for their generosity! This is a build that we want you to explore and enjoy. There are all sort of places to wander, stroll, sit, watch, meditate, reminisce, play, and just be. It’s a walking space, a place to take photos, bring friends, hang out, play games, and more. We will no longer be one or two events per year. We expect to have parties on a regular basis, starting soon.
This year, we are celebrating the 50-year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, considered to be the catalyzing moment in the push for Gay Rights. With the current political climate and with our rights being slowly but methodically eroded from us once again, there is no better time for us to reflect on the events of that night and the nights that followed, and to consider the battles fought then, and the battles that are to come, because they are coming. We need to draw from the strength of the heroes of that night…Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Storme DeLarverie (Stormy Delahveay), Danny Garvin, and so many others. We honor them for the stand they took that night, and we pledge to continue their fight.

Second Day of Second Pride Festival 2019

After an overwhelming, wonderful and totally fabulous kick-off yesterday, the festival continues today with the following line-up. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Second Pride Festival Starts Today!

Ready or not, the long-awaited day has finally arrived! The Second Pride Festival starts at 1 PM SLT.

You can see the full schedule of events by visiting The Second Pride website's event page (url).

Here is the lineup of events for the first day, Friday, June 14, 2019. Please always make sure to visit the Second Pride website for any last minute changes!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Flat Bock 2019 Is Here!

As has become a tradition for the Second Pride Festival, I am today introducing a new Flat Bock. This years contribution was, as always, made by the blogs art director and my wonderful husband Tomais Ashdene.

I have been informed that some of the previous versions have been used for shooting practice and as dart boards, the material for the Flat Bock is therefore since a few years Kevlar.

The surface has, as always, been specially prepared to have the silky and smooth texture of my natural skin, but is still easy to clean after use. Just rinse in lukewarm running water and dry with a soft towel.

Pick up your own personal copy at my store at Second Pride Region! I hope it gives you much satisfaction.

While you are at my store you may just as well pick up the 2019 edition of my - still - fashion-forward Jester's hat, made especially for people with discerning tastes and the boldness that every true fashionista is born with. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Recommended Reading

My dear friend Ricco Saenz has published a great (as usual) post about Second Pride and the upcoming Pride Festival on his blog Second Sighting │ Ricco Saenz's Journey in SL. I highly recommend reading it.

Photo by Ricco Saenz

Friday, June 7, 2019

So Predictable!

What can you say? I'm not in the least surprised!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Getting Ready For The Festival

The Second Pride Region is getting ready to welcome you all to the Second Pride Festival, June 14th-23rd, 2019.

There are still stores of all sizes available and time slots for entertainers. 

Presumptive vendors/sponsors, please contact me (Bock McMillan) inworld! 
Presumptive entertainers, please go here to sign up or contact Lee McKay inworld.
Photography: Tomais Ashdene