Showing posts with label Samm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samm. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2019

Second Pride Festival Starts Today!

Ready or not, the long-awaited day has finally arrived! The Second Pride Festival starts at 1 PM SLT.

You can see the full schedule of events by visiting The Second Pride website's event page (url).

Here is the lineup of events for the first day, Friday, June 14, 2019. Please always make sure to visit the Second Pride website for any last minute changes!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Teaser: Flat Bock 2018

Second Pride starts tomorrow, Friday June 15, 2018, at 6PM SLT.

Check in at the Second Pride website for the updated schedule, party posters, social interactions, pictures, and everything else. It's the hub for all things Pride!

I have two events this year. My first event is on Saturday June 16, 2018, at 1PM with DJ Butch and his host Pook. The second event is on Saturday June 23, 2018, at 2PM, and will feature the live singer Samm Quendra for the first hour and DJ Kahvy and his host RickJ for the second hour.

Here is a teaser for this years Flat Bock, the Flat Bock 2018. You will be able to get it gratis, for no cost at all and completely free of charge at my booth at Pride, which is located here (SLurl).

At my booth you will also be able to get this years version of my amazing and fashion forward "Jesters Hat Pride 2018".

Here is a teaser for Flat Bock 2018. (Let me reveal that I am totally nekkid...)
Flat Bock 2018
Jester's Hat - Pride 2018

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Christmas Ball @ Starlight Ballroom 2016, Today 1-4PM SLT

This will be the Christmas Ball of the Year. It's an event which everyone is talking about, you don't want to miss this! 

Take a warm, cozy and LGBT friendly ballroom, designed with the latest material textures and decorated in a Christmas atmosphere by Garrett Smith, one of the best interior designer of SL.

The event is organized and hosted by RickJ Ewing. All venue tips go to Relay For Life!

╫✯✯✯ When - Sunday december 18th - 1-4PM SLT
╫✯✯ 1-2PM SLT: DJ Helene with Christmas songs requests
╫✯✯ 2-3PM SLT: Samm Qendra LIVE
╫✯✯ 3-4PM SLT: DJ Kahvy with intan suggestions
╫✯✯✯ What - Christmas Romance - Formal Attire appreciated

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The GA Summerfest 2016 Starts Tomorrow

The GA SummerFest starts tomorrow Friday June 3rd and will continue through Sunday June 12th with the theme "The Summer of Love".

The SummerFest will be opened by an inaugural speech by the GA Lead Weylin Vale at 4PM SLT at the festival sim (SLurl).

After the speech the opening party will follow at 5PM SLT with two live singers, Samm Quendra and Clyde Barrow, and after them the Romanum and Blue Ball parties.

Secret message to Tomais, should we perhaps drop our search for the perfect male mesh head temporarily to set up the Bock in SecondLife thing-a-magee...?

Sunday, May 22, 2016

JJ Goodman's Photos from the Benefit for Bri

Today I am sharing my talented brother JJ's photos from the highly successful Benefit for Bri at the Starlight Ballroom yesterday. The reason for this is that "grey people" kept messing up my own pictures, and JJ's are much better anyway.

Kahvy was the master of ceremonies for the full four hours the event lasted, sometimes DJ-ing but always telling us what dances to perform to the music that was played.

Live entertainment was provided by singers Samm Quendra and Reallymad Morpork. They were both in excellent form.
My son Pook and his man Knox
The lady of the day, Ms Bri Franklin
in the avatar of Kerowyn Kirke
Her Irrelevant UnGodliness of Troublesome Pwincess of Glorious Uncle Huggings, 
a.k.a Pienikins
Butch, he cleans up nicely huh?
Kharissa and the event DJ and ballroom master of ceremonies Kahvy
Leonard, shows us the moves a la mode
The always elegant PuPicita
Samm at the microphone
Garrett - looking a bit tired with hurricanes and all going on...
My Tomais dancing with some guy in a kilt
The stunning couple Richard & Steven
My BIL Michi & his Tien
My wonderful brother JJ & his Aeon
RickJ, the organizer of the event, and Bri
Study of Samm, relaxing after her set
Proud dad Tomais and the lovely Bri
Helene & her stunning man Dozer
Sexy SL-artist Madonna a.k.a. Sascha
The stunning Theron
Sweet Cayson & Scio
For more pictures from this event, please visit JJ's album on Facebook Benefit for Bri

Please note, This event continues until May 31st, 2016, so you can still go to The Starlight Ballroom (SLurl) to support Bri either by donations or by purchasing some - or all - the generously donated creations.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Upcoming Event - Benefit for Bri

Saturday May 21st, 2016, is the date of the Starlight Ballroom's "Benefit for Bri".

The gala features performances by two live artists, Samm Quendra and Reallymad Morpork and a helluva lot of ballroom dancing and shopping opportunities.

Take me to the Benefit Gala at The Starlight Ballroom (SLurl).

Read more about Bri Franklin and her struggle at Bri's GoFundMe page (Url).

Friday, May 13, 2016

Benefit for Bri

Help a Teaching Dream come True! Starlight Ballroom has learned about an amazing young woman and her dream to become a teacher... and we had to help!



Consignment - Ex Machina - StoraxTree - Blue Balls - Powerdesgin - Fix Auto - Atelier by Stephano - Yer old Gacha - Ohiomike's Kilts - Lilliput for Tinies - Rosa Fashion - The Grey Goose - RickJ Designs - Sophie's Choice - L.Querrien - Cake Fox - Photography by Tomais  and maybe even more

(Want to be in this list? There is still time! IM RickJ Ewing or Kahvy Smith )


Here is your SLurl:


✯ Samm Qendra ✯ Reallymad Morpork ✯ JJ Goodman Event Photography ✯ Ballroom DJ Kahvy

Bri is an amazing young woman who found herself in a bit of a problematic financial situation as she is working hard to become part of the next generation of amazing teachers to our kids. All proceeds of this Benefit will go towards her Go Fund me Page after converting the lindens into USD and will be published there after the event - read more on this awesome initiative on

Sunday, October 19, 2014

JJ's Birthday Bash

Today is the first life birthday of one of the sweetest, most charming and kindest men in SecondLife, the talented photographer JJ Goodman. He turns thirty-something (...or is it really 41?).

Yesterday Fordis Flores and some other of JJ's closest friends had arranged a surprise party to celebrate him. Amazingly enough it actually seems that it was a complete surprise to him, none of all those invited had spilled the beans.
Samm Quendra entertained us with songs and sweet talk
WayneNZ and Holter
JJ and Hottie B Lockjaw
Ohiomike Lockjaw
Kahvy Sands and his beau Garrett Smith
Coop Router
Guyke, Tomais, Kahvy, me, Garrett, Kharissa Indigo and Larz Kas
JJ, Fordis and Slam Ballinger, Fordis bf
Gerard Renoir, Talu and Stephano del Piero
Samael & Cinta