Friday, September 4, 2015

Well-Strung - Royals

(via J.M.G.)

Well-Strung is made up of Edmund Bagnell (first violin), Christopher Marchant (second violin), Trevor Wadleigh (viola) and Daniel Shevlin (cello), who made their debut as group in New York in 2012.

Out Magazine has this to say "Well-Strung Covers Lorde’s ‘Royals’:
"People love Lorde’s breakout hit, “Royals.” The beat’s infectious, the chorus is catchy, and the gestalt of the thing is pop brilliance. So one would think it’d be impossible to improve upon. Well think again. Enter Well-Strung, the singing string quartet with that’s as easy on the eyes as it are on the ears.

The band’s got a new album, POPssical, dropping in October and they’ve just released the video for one of its singles, a cover of “Royals.” Shot in black-and-white along New York’s tony Fifth Avenue, the song’s anti-capitalist lyrics juxtapose nicely with shots of the street’s upscale boutiques and department stores. Plus it’s got some good shots of the guys, so it’s definitely worth a watch. Well-Strung’s POPssical is out on Oct. 2."

Fantasy Gay Pride 2015

Hop on your own personal Nimbus 2015 Superior XXL to go to the Fantasy Gay Pride 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Picture of the Day - 385

"Perspective" by Ilyra Chardin

If you wish to see more of Ilyra's photography, please visit her Flickr photostream by clicking her name under the picture.

A Dishonorable Man

This post is a sort of reveal on my previous post Bock in SecondLife: Mitzi's Dilemma. I have struggled with whether or not I should post this, but finally decided to do so anyway.

I realise that my decision to do so may be as - or more - dishonorable than the actions of the person I am criticizing. Anyway, here goes!
"Scoundrel" by Mel Bochner
Fact 1: I paid Marcus Lefevre L$151,500 to rent a sim on my behalf for the Second Pride Festival. The payment was for 6 weeks of use of the sim (four weeks for building before the festival, one week for the festival itself and one week for cleaning up) at L$19,000 per week and L$37,500 for moving the sim to and from the Second Pride sim.

Fact 2: On the last day of the Second Pride Festival, I woke up to a barrage of emails and offline messages from Second Life, informing me that the sim I had rented had been closed due to non-payment of tier.

Fact 3: After trying to reach Marcus Lefevre without success, I contacted the sim-provider and was informed that the sim had been shut down because the tier was in arrears for the festival week and they had not received payment despite several messages to Marcus Lefevre.

Fact 4: To get the sim reopened - so that the festival could finish as planned - the sim provider agreed to let me pay them - on Marcus Lefevre's behalf - the money they were owed for the festival week and the tier for the clean-up week, thus I paid them L$35,554 (at L$17,777 per week). The company then opened the sim again.

Fact 5: On the same Sunday, Marcus Lefevre sent me this message on Facebook: "omg Bock I don´t even know what to say but it seems as if the error was entirely at my side. Please, if you can go to Value Rentals, they should be able to help. Let me know any additional costs you may have and I shall refund that money to you. I feel very emberassed, I`m sorry frown emoticon"

Fact 6: I informed Marcus Lefevre that I was expecting payment from him of L$35,554.

Fact 7: I have been able to communicate with Marcus only once, a Friday more than six-seven weeks ago, when Marcus asked if we could hold off the conversation until "after the weekend" because he was busy proofreading, Additionally he told me that he didn't "agree with (my) math's".

Many weekends later and since our last chat I have not been able to get in contact with Marcus Lefevre, neither have I received any payment whatsoever from him.

I can live with the loss of the $144 Marcus Lefevre owes me, but I cannot live with the knowledge that he may fool someone else.

Don't do business with this scoundrel, or if you must, count your fingers and toes first.

Friday, August 28, 2015

The GA SummerFest Starts Today

The Gay Archipelago’s Summerfest starts today and runs until September 6, 2015.

This year's theme is "Cirque Du So Gay" and is on it's own sim.

For complete information about the event,  and a full schedule of events look here!

Bock in SecondLife is naturally a sponsor of this event. You can find my booth at The SummerFest 2015 sim

Please also remember to check in at the blog's own event at the SummerFest on Saturday September 5, 2015, 12 PM (noon) - 2 PM SLT. Save the time and date, you will not be disappointed, there will be lots of wonderful bare male tits, chests, asses and other appendages! (More about this later...)

SL Photography - September 2015

The September 2015 issue of the SecondLife monthly magazine Photography is out.

To view it please go to: SL Photography Monthly - September 2015 Issue.