Friday, August 19, 2016

New Favicon - The Green Carnation

Before we got the Internet and all the hookup apps, gay men with faulty or spurious gaydar - much like myself - tried coming up with various clear but subtle and innocuous ways of identifying one another in the vast ocean of stunningly handsome heterosexual men.

Ever since Blogger started allowing "favicons" (a.k.a. website icon or bookmark icon) I have availed myself of it as a means of identifying this blog as gay operated. I have used various LGBT symbols to do this, first the λ-sign, then I moved on to the pink triangle. 

When I started looking for a new favicon I came across an account about Oscar Wilde, the biggest and butchest poofter of us all.

It is said that he and his group of friends in the Victorian England of the 1890's wore a green carnation as an emblem.

It would seem - judging from a Wikipedia article on LGBT-symbols - that in doing so the group picked up a previous tradition among homosexuals in ancient Rome.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

So Do We Believe In Global Warming Now?

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies just published new data finding that July 2016 was the hottest month ever recorded. No, not the hottest in 2016, not in the last decade — since humans began tracking global temperatures back in 1880.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Welcome "Outside the Box"

Please join me in welcoming my friend Nathan Svenson to the wonderful world of blogging about SecondLife.

Nate's blog is named "Outside the Box". In a statement on the blog Nate tell us what he intends to blog about, "There is a rich and vibrant culture happening in virtual reality I plan to document some and hopefully learn more about the people and concepts I encounter."

"Outside the Box" has of course already been added to my blogroll with SecondLife blogs.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Picture of the Day - 474

The Division Agent
"The Division Agent" by Kevin De'Cypher

If you wish to see more of Kevin's photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.

Disclosure: Kevin is my son in-law in SecondLife.

Second Pride Annual Meeting 2016

Through a notice in the Second Pride Festival group the membership has been notified that the Annual Meeting of Second Pride will be held on Saturday August 13, 2016, at 12PM (noon) SLT at the Second Pride Headquarters Conference Hall (SLurl).

The meeting has the following agenda.
1. Call to Order
2. Department Reports
3. Elections
4. Adjournment

The most interesting parts of this meeting should be the announcement of the results of the latest Pride Festival and the timeline for the upcoming election of new directors.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Picture of the Day - 473

Flowers In Her Hair
"Flowers In Her Hair" by Ashley Foss

If you wish to see more of Ashley's photography, please visit her Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.