Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter 2018

Let us celebrate that Our Lord and Saviour has arisen...

Yeah and let's keep in mind that this is April 1st too, I most certainly did not go religious on you overnight.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

How Uncouth

Well, I never...

My Tomais and I handed out these beautiful Flat Bock's at last years Second Pride. Everyone wanted one, two or three or even more.

Imagine my surprise when I was wandering around at the home-sim and found that my beloved brother Dej had misused that precious and beautiful objet d'art in this disrespectful way!

As if I could enjoy a flagpole in my manly love-hole. *sigh*

Angelic Smoker

Angelic Smoker (cigar)
Angelic Smoker (cigarette)