Saturday, April 7, 2018

"He's Older Than SecondLife Dinosaur Dung"

Today we celebrate an avatar who - if the suspicions of SecondLife archeologists are correct - is older than the dinosaur coprolite found on The Land of Rainbows sim.
Fossilized Kahvy-poop, exhibit 1
Fossilized Kahvy-poop, exhibit 2
According to emerging theories among the archeologists there was life in SecondLife even before our beloved Philip Linden set his dainty little feet in-world. Excavations at The Land of Rainbows sim have shown that there were indeed dinosaurs wandering that sim long before that day.

DNA-analysis of the dinosaur dung found has proven without any doubt that the coprolites have been deposited by none other than the avatar today known as Kahvy Smith (nee Sands). The theory is that Kahvy Smith shapeshifted from dino to human avatar on this day eleven years ago in order to survive the changing climates that were threatening the existence of the dinosaurs.

Happy eleventh human avatar rezday, Kahvy!

(Inquisitive minds may wonder how I know this much about Kahvy's background in SecondLife. Well, to be quite honest, I was there already when he emerged.)

Monday, April 2, 2018

Oh Look, Someone has Been To The Neo Japan Event

The Neo Japan is a bi-annual event which offers all kinds of interesting creations with a distinctive Japanese influence! The event ends on April 22nd.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter 2018

Let us celebrate that Our Lord and Saviour has arisen...

Yeah and let's keep in mind that this is April 1st too, I most certainly did not go religious on you overnight.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

How Uncouth

Well, I never...

My Tomais and I handed out these beautiful Flat Bock's at last years Second Pride. Everyone wanted one, two or three or even more.

Imagine my surprise when I was wandering around at the home-sim and found that my beloved brother Dej had misused that precious and beautiful objet d'art in this disrespectful way!

As if I could enjoy a flagpole in my manly love-hole. *sigh*

Angelic Smoker

Angelic Smoker (cigar)
Angelic Smoker (cigarette)