Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alpha Males II

Well my earlier post about Touko Laaksonen and his "Tom of Finland" turned out to be a major eye catcher among my readers, so I am now doing a follow up.

This time I will show you one of the "Toms" in my SecondLife, the fabulous, the loving and the forgiving Andrey Messmer! I am so proud to call him my BIL (brother in-law) again.

"The Cuteness that is Guyke" and "The Coolness that is Janttu" are going to be reinstated as my son and son in-law also as soon as this drama queen gets confirmation from both that its OK to do so.

Hell, I will not wait for confirmation, I´ll do the Nike-thing ...

Back to Andrey now. My BIL is a fantastic photographer in SecondLife, just look at these two examples of his work. WOOOF!

If he wasn´t family I would say he was totally lickable, but now I must be more modest and say instead "He looks rather nice, doesn´t he?"

Andrey showing off a new toy
Andrey showing off ...well himself I guess


  1. Woot!

    Btw it's ok to be a dramaqueen sometimes (says the dramaqueen par excellence)

    /me winks @ Andrey :)

  2. Well m´boy, you have learned from the best...

  3. lickable...BIL!!! With all that hair...And you were faster than a rabbit posting these !

    Love ya!!!

    /me waves at Guyke


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