Showing posts with label Simon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simon. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Unborn Children

The other night Tomais was fixing up his new hangar at New Horizons Airport while Kahvy helped him with door scripts and I stood around helping by merely being my beautiful self.

Somehow the conversation turned to parenting, which I of course am an expert in. Well, at least in theory even if not so much in practice. If you ask me, I actually do believe I could give even Supernanny some constructive criticism and a pointer or two or three on parenting skills...
The conversation has stuck with me afterwards and has made me remember how I, in my mid-teens, used to imagine being a father and having kids, but even then there was somehow never a mother around in my imaginary family. (This was of course before I realized I was a full-blown Kinsey type 6.) I had even decided on names for my kids, the son would be named Simon and the daughter Tekla.

Being childless is perhaps the only thing that frustrates me from time to time, especially now when I can see how my mother is helped and supported by her doting children and grandchildren. I imagine myself relying on the kindness of strangers when I get old and incapacitated and that doesn't feel very reassuring at times. Although I imagine my nieces and nephews and their kids in turn could possibly be guilted into taking turns to invite me over for Christmas dinner, with the promise of being written into my will.

At other times, I am completely comfortable with with being childless and relieved that I never took on that challenge as I believe I would have been an utterly horrible father, as evidenced by my miserable failure as a step father in the virtual world.

Nonetheless, it is to late now to do anything about it and I have resigned myself to the fact that there will be no issue from my loins or from a turkey baster. Instead I try to pass on "my names" to every pregnant mother or soon-to-be father who happen to cross my ways.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Duo Rezday Pictures by JJ Goodman

The famous photographer JJ Goodman, my brother and friend, attended the Duo Rezday Bash on Saturday.

JJ was there because he is family and friend and had no obligation to take pictures, but he did so anyway... which I am grateful for, as I and the rezday boys were to busy with other stuff.

Thanks for the pictures JJ, as always you manage to make us all look wonderful!
PuPi & Talu
Kahvy & Garrett
Ces & Simon
Zigadena & Emarald
DJ Rylan
Nikolai as the Stripper Dolphin
Cupric & Hottie
Pook again (out of costume)
Hmmmm - I cannot remember...
Another one I don't remember...
Garrett again, I think...?
Tomais, Guyke & JJ
Tomais as the Naked C3PO
Kitty, Annie & Raphaela
Tomais again ;)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Son As Art

When I logged in yesterday I was soon hailed by my son Guyke, Prince of Paradijs (the traditional title given to the heir to the throne of the realm of Southern Charm). After the usual preliminaries he soon spilled his urgent news.

"I'm in an exhibition!", he said excitedly.
"What do you mean?", I asked, "I know you are an exhibitionist, but what exhibition are you in?"
"You remember, I told you that Ronan Mactavish asked me to pose for him? Well, the pictures are now exhibited."
"Ahh yes, of course I remember. Please send me the landmark and I will go take a look! This should be fun..."

Guyke sent me the landmark to Piazza Siciliana (SLurl) and I arrived safely at the gallery. I was a bit taken aback when I saw the name of the exhibition on the sign at the landing spot.

"Welcome to Ronan Mactavish's Uomini Nudi. Kip.. Jee.. Simon.. Latherblu.. Drey.. Guyke", my Italian isn't great but good enough to realize that I was going to be exposed to images of naked men. The boy hadn't told me that... "If he is sporting an erection I will surely accidentally drown him, even if he is the Crown Prince", I thought to myself as I took three deep breaths and prepared myself for the worst.

I decided to start with the others men in the exhibition and look at Guyke's pictures last, so I could slowly prepare myself for the possible shock.

The exhibition was however extremely tasteful and beautifully composed, so as I moved along through the different sections I felt my fear leaving me. When I finally came to the Guyke-section I was extremely happy to see Ronan's interpretation of my beloved son.
 I am happy to say that I can recommend this wonderful exhibition to you all.