Showing posts with label vehicle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vehicle. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Flying With Tomais

As I have told you all several times before the laird's spouse is an avid collector of transportation vessels of all kinds, but predominantly airplanes and sailboats. He never ever seems to have enough.

Besides collecting them he likes to use them, and it is a good way of relaxing for both him and the laird. Yesterday he was experimenting with a new flight HUD.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Travelling on the SecondLife Railroad

I may have told you before about my wonderful husband Tomais need to own every vehicle created in SecondLife from 2010 and forward.

Previously this urge was mainly centered on unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, cars, trucks, sailboats, motorboats, barges, blimps, balloons and airplanes of every size, shape, and type known to urbanized man. Well, now my sweet and lovely man has found a new kind of vehicle. Trains.

Yesterday we were traveling on the SecondLife railroad (SLRR) which covers a couple of hundred regions of SecondLife mainland, while Tomais was introducing Lee McMay to his new addiction. Connor Collins, one of Lee's friends from Steamworkz was with us.

We traveled from where Tomais and Lee have their "siding", I believe that's what the parking place for the train is called, all the way to our friend Petr's station at Burn.

I always thought that the mainland was rather ugly, but parts of the landscaping along our route was beautiful.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sounding the All Clear!

The crisis is over for this time and the laird is back to being gentle as a lamb and "as patient as Bock" (a traditional saying at Southern Charm) again.

You may convey your heartfelt gratitude to the Prince Consort at your convenience.

If I may suggest something suitable, then always remember his highness loves vehicles of every possible kind, whether rolling, flying or sailing or whatever mode of transportation. (You had better check if he already has it before sending it...)

This will most definitely be the last post where I illustrate with a cute cat in a very, very, long time. Just so you know!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Tomais' Latest Toy

My Tomais collects flying vehicles like a squirrel collects nuts. This is his latest acquisition, the Goodyear blimp.

He will of course retexture it with the "Ashdene Aviations" colors soon and possibly something for taking tourists on tour at Southern Charm.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Riding On Poultry at Southern Charm

My wonderful husband Tomais has a huge memory bank, contrary to me. I am certain that an objective assessment would show that he has something like 4 GB of memory at his disposal, while I have a mere 15 kB.

It is therefore not at all surprising that he called an old post to my attention the other day, which I had forgotten all about. The post was this one, Bock in SecondLife: The Laird's Challenge for Vehicle Builders.
Tomais reason for reminding me was that he had acquired some rideable poultry and he asked me if I thought they would fit the description. I was sorry to say, that as the poultry he showed me were more like enormous farm animals than mechanical vehicles I could not consider them worthy of the reward.

Nonetheless, Tomais, my brother JJ and I had some fun riding the cocks over to my brother Dej's place to try and give him a scare. As it turned out - and as the creator warns about in a note card - the rezzing of multiple cocks on the same sim creates a fierce lag, so textures didn't come in sufficiently fast for Dej to be scared.
The only one of us who could get things to rez enough to take decent pictures was JJ, so I must thank him for the mementos. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Lairds Challenge for Vehicle Builders

Today the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally UN appointed Protector of the Mount Whitney sim in SecondLife, was sitting and talking with the Prince Consort and the Royal Gardener of Southern Charm.

During the conversation the Prince Consort Tomais suddenly screamed out loud with excitement and shouted: "Ooooooooooo I want this!", whereupon he sent us the link to a picture on the Internet, see below.

As some of you may know, the Prince Consort Tomais is a geek, a nerd and a collector of every conceivable vehicle that has ever been created in SecondLife.
I now challenge all vehicle builders in SecondLife to build this contraption, as I want to give it to my lovely hubby.

The builder that sends me the best looking and fully functional vehicle will win a prize of L$25,000.

The jury to decide the contest will consist of the laird himself, his consort Tomais Ashdene and the Royal Gardener Butch Diavolo.

Good luck everyone and may the best person win.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Vehicles in SecondLife

My bosom buddy Apmel Goosson in a comment recently suggested that my vehicle-crazed hubby Tomais might like this video. So here it is!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Natural Born Aviator

When I was a little child I always dreamed of becoming a pilot. Later, I was informed by older friends and a few well-meaning but cruel adults that I did not have what it takes because of my impaired vision. Nevertheless I kept the dream alive deep within until I was an adolescent, always hoping that some cure or a visual aid would be found that meant I could fulfill the dream.

Finally I accepted my fate and got rid of the dream and lost all interest for flying and airplanes, still knowing that I would have been a wonderful pilot if I had been given the chance. Well, that chance came along yesterday even if it was "only" in SecondLife.
As most of you know by now, my husband Tomais is nuts with every kind of vehicle in existence in-world. He - I have no doubts - owns at least one copy of anything and everything that can be flown, sailed, steered, paddled, rolled or driven in-world.
When I bought a helicopter on a hunch a few weeks back, he told me that that particular model was extremely difficult to start flying with so I should start with a Seakite seaplane (url to Marketplace) instead. The Seakite can carry four passengers and has an option to share controls with a co-pilot.

We tried it out the day before yesterday, with Tomais as pilot and me as co-pilot. Tomais showed me the things I needed to think about when flying the aircraft and handed over the controls to me. It was exhilarating and thrilling to know that I was actually flying the plane myself, even if Tomais was there to keep us safe.
Yesterday we tried again, this time with me alone as the pilot. It was amazing and all went extremely well. I was of course, just as I have known all along, a natural born aviator.
As I was too busy with flying the aircraft and to excited about it to think of anything else, all the above photos are taken by my royal consort, Mr. Tomais Ashdene Esq.

Later on we went for a spin in one of Tomais fighter planes, which is of course much more advanced and faster. After having piloted an aircraft myself I could understand what was happening better and could also relax from my own adventurous experience.
Photography by master photographer Bock McMillan, from left to right
Capt T Ashdene and navigator B McMillan