Saturday, August 14, 2010

Are You a Witch?

There has been some talk about witches lately, so I googled for a test...and actually found one!

Go here to test if you are a witch Best of luck!

Of course I had to take the test myself. I got this result:

"You Are 40% Witch

It's unlikely that you're a witch. At least, no one thinks you are.

You may still be interested in witchcraft, but you're by no means a stereotypical witch.

While you don't seem all that witchy, people may think you're a bit weird. You're definitely a little offbeat. No one really knows what to make of you sometimes."


  1. -Amatör!
    Jag är 45% häxa!
    Ars Ok Fridars!

  2. Hmmmm är du säker på att du svarade rätt nu? Jag trodde att du skulle få mycket högre! *skämt* (Tillägger jag för tydlighetens skull, vi har ju en tendens att missförstå varandra..)

  3. You Are 55% Witch
    You've got some pretty witchy stuff going on.
    Even if you're not a witch, you've got to admit that you're a little freaky.

    You have a strong independent streak - social norms be damned. More power to you.
    Luckily, the time when you would have been burned at the stake has passed!

    Hadde ni väntat er nåt annat? ;)

  4. tssss...
    You Are 75% Witch
    You are so totally a witch.
    Or at the very least, people suspect that you're a witch.

    Perhaps you're just weird. Or perhaps you really do like to dabble in the occult.
    Either way, you're giving off a very witchy vibe.

  5. Mysko men de har säkert rätt - jag fick bara 1%...


  6. What only 50% witch? I demand a recount. Its cause i'm a warlock isn't it

    (hangs head in shame)

  7. I am witchier than thou!

    You Are 60% Witch
    You've got some pretty witchy stuff going on.
    Even if you're not a witch, you've got to admit that you're a little freaky.

    You have a strong independent streak - social norms be damned. More power to you.
    Luckily, the time when you would have been burned at the stake has passed!

    /Sofie Snowbear


    You Are 55% Witch
    You've got some pretty witchy stuff going on.
    Even if you're not a witch, you've got to admit that you're a little freaky.

    You have a strong independent streak - social norms be damned. More power to you.
    Luckily, the time when you would have been burned at the stake has passed!

    55? Most of my super powers, the silly test even didnt bother to ask about :( I a at least 63% ..ok now what?



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