Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ted Olson & David Boies interviewed about Proposition 8

Listen to the two trial lawyers - one conservative and one liberal - that united forces to overturn California´s Proposition 8 ballot measure outlawing same-sex marriage talk about the case and what they want to achieve. Once adversaries in 2000's Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case, now two of the United States´ premier lawyers have teamed up to make the constitutional case for same-sex marriage.

This is a fifty minutes long but extremely interesting interview by Bill Moyers in his program "Bill Moyers Journal".

If you want to watch a full re-enactment of the trial itself and more please go to

1 comment :

  1. Vad är de som är emot rädda för - för EN AV människans svagaste punkter Är rädsla.



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