Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dekho Dekho Bollywood Stars

Look, look at all the Bollywood stars having fun...

Pic of Panta found in Google Images
I used to have a friend in SecondLife, Pantaiputih Korobase, who used to have an Indian pop radio channel streaming on his sim. I always loved visiting there.

I met Panta at the Devil Inside Gay Dance Club, which in my early days was the only gay club that counted.

It was a fun place in those days, not an IM-heaven like most places seem to be nowadays, where the only people that talk to you are the owner/host or the DJ. Mostly if anyone else speaks to you they do it in IM and then only when they are hitting on you. And if you speak to them they think you are hitting on them (sigh)

We all had fun together and the banter in local chat at the DI-club was inspired, humorous and hilarious. Yikes, I must be getting old and nostalgic.

Sadly I lost contact with Panta after I hooked up with Ars. Panta has since moved on to OpenSim so I never see him these days.

1 comment :

  1. The name rings a bell, I may have met him in 2007, specially when you mention the club.
    Anyway, I know what you mean like everyone seems to be in IM. A lot of times I get that feeling when I'm in SL and I do understand. But doesn't make it fun for me :D
    I miss the good old days when a lot was still new and exciting....


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