Monday, January 3, 2011

Old, Cold & Bold

It´s my real life birthday today, I am now a forty one (41) y.o. mature old man, " a 40+". I also have a bad cold again!

There is also all this terrible white, fluffy, cold and slippery thing covering everything in my real life, I blocked out the word for it in every language except Punjabi.

Besides all the above I am in a terrible mood and suspect my damned medication stopped working.

Now let me tell you about something I really hate, that may help me feel better! I think I may have told you before that I use this blog for therapeutic reasons, but if you don´t remember reading it I may have forgotten to do that.

What I really, really, really, really hate today is people talking in riddles. 

I have always been lousy at trying to guess what people mean or are trying to suggest, imply, hint, intimate, insinuate or whatever you want to call it.

If you have anything worthwhile to say for the love of Bock, speak out! I need at least two of the five W´s; Who, What, When, Where and Why

If you cannot or don´t want to supply it, please go talk to someone who is better at guessing than me. I just will not participate in any conversation that keep me guessing at what is meant for long.

That´s all from this grumpy old fart today!

P.S. Yes thanks, otherwise I did have a great day!


  1. Happy birthday:) and get well soon and with soon i mean NOW:)pöss

  2. Just a few amendments...
    Who am I?
    What did I do now?
    you wanted it When?
    Where did that come from?
    and Why not?
    Happy birthday Buddy :)

  3. Who, What, When, Where and Why?

  4. It's a little late to say Happy birthday but I do that now.

  5. Well, happy belated birthday then young man. :)

  6. As long as one can put one his underpants standing its no problem dad says.
    Happy birthday!

  7. Happy birthday Bock, hope you had a nice day anyway :)

  8. Very Happy birthday to your rl-ava, Bock!
    May the sunshine glitter on the skin of your bald head and warm your old cold body into shameless luck!

    Apart from that: your very riddleish blogpost makes me ask the same questions as Apmel and sirhc puts here above!

    And we want ANSWERS!

  9. Thanks for the congratulations everyone, and yes I did have a great day until the late evening!

    Some of you are asking for answers to what brought on this eruption. Well I take the fifth on that, it was a reaction to a real life incident.

    For my SL-friends - who are the ones that read this - it is more of a declaration of intent, "do not talk to me in riddles".

    As far as the real life person that upset me yesterday I have taken great care today to deliver the same message in a calmer way.

  10. Congrats Dear Bock!
    And hey! If u feel pills are not working..well
    1.Its a bit normal to be grumpy this month and next..the great darkness..remember?
    2.Change to another pill if this was not the case
    Hugs Zigga

  11. Hugs and thanks Ziga!

    Yeah, I´ll talk with my nice doctor if this continues but as you say it could just be temporary.


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