Sunday, January 23, 2011

Re: "My Ars"

I remember exactly when, where and with whom I was talking when I first started referring to my lover Ars as "my Ars".

It was just a few months after Ars and I had made a home together at Southern Charm. I was at "SSG", the Sarcosound Group´s parcel at the "Ninth Wave Island" sim. Ars had just logged off to get some sleep and I was left talking with Sarco Halderman. We were alone at SSG.

I think Sarco had just realized I was not just a temporary fling but was going to stick around for the long haul. It was also around this time I had started noticing an increased tension between the two of them.

They had been friends for a long time when I came along, they had also started the Sarcosound group together. That company at one time provided fifteen or more DJ´s working in all timezones in SecondLife.

Ars really loved Sarco til the very end, although the love was sometimes mixed with a big measure of resentment and anger. No one - except possibly Guyke when he was at his worst behaviour - could ever infuriate my Ars as much as Sarco could, but the love between them was always there.

After a little awhile Sarco started talking to me about Ars and his personal life. I am sure he was doing this only out of kindness and because he wanted what was best for Ars, but it made me guarded at once because I have never really liked being told anything personal about someone I love by anyone except that person.

Ars and I had only been together for a few months, but I was certain I still did not know all of his circumstances or secrets and I sure as hell did not want to hear them from anyone except him. So I started saying "My Ars this..." and " Ars that..." and "I am sure my Ars will tell me everything I need or want to know about him, as I myself will tell him everything."

Sarco soon sensed my unwillingness and we moved on to other subjects of interest.

In time I learned all Ars´ secrets and he all of mine, we learned them from each other. But the phrase stuck with me. Hell I even used it against Ars, saying things like "My Ars would never do such a thing!" and worse. That usually made him bite my head off, but he never could stay angry with me for long so I did not mind and kept hitting him with it when it suited me, sometimes it even made him laugh because he soon realized in what situations I used it.

He was no dimwit, my Ars.


  1. Thanks for sharing Bock.I still remeber very vivid the first and the last time I heard Ars nice deep voice on the 16 of feb last year.

  2. amazing words and post BIL, for me personally, I always expect hearing from the source, never give credits from ''third parts''. Love ya!


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