Friday, April 1, 2011

Bock comes out

It has been reported to this blog today that Bock McMillan came out of the closet to his closest friends and family today. He revealed to them that he is actually a married and straight man with four children, ages 11 years - 2 months!

"I am in fact a proud straight husband and father. I wish to thank my dear wife Blanche Argus, my mother and father and my church for giving me the support and courage to reveal this - my deepest and most shameful - secret to the world. I am relying now on the kindness of strangers and friends to accept my apologies for betraying their trust and show some understanding", says McMillan. He continues, "My misguided attempts at trying to be a gay ponce and poofter came out of a sick need to attract attention. Once I changed my diet and started praying I realized I could not live this lie any longer."


  1. I knew it!! She's done some mistakes a couple of times, like "my dear Boc...ce".

    And now I know why she had to buy earplugs, four kids!! Blamed my little sweet James..shame on you Blanche!! :))

    Hugs :))


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