Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy 8th Rezday, SecondLife!

Today June 23rd, 2011, SecondLife will officially be eight years old. Would you believe it?

This wonderful world of ours is only eight years old and the celebrations have already started and will be going on the whole week. For more information on what is happening please go to the SL8B-site.

I would like to congratulate Linden Lab and all who work there - and have worked there - since the start until now.

Happy Eighth Rezday, SecondLife!

I love you guys, all of you - with the possible exception of M Linden and the guy that I have blocked out from my memory who messed up my "not so flourishing" business on XStreet (these days better known as Marketplace).

I would also like to convey my gratitude to all Lindens and Ontynes - and whatever other surnames you may have - from the Chairman of the board over Customer Services to the errand boy on the third floor of the offices.

Special thanks with kisses and hugs go to my own very special Lindens,
Philip Linden - the man who shared his dream of another world with us and the sexiest Chairman of the board in both the first and second world,
Rodvik Linden - the man who will move us into the future safely and with awareness of that SecondLife is not just another game but a community and the coolest CEO known to man (even if he needs help in answering messages),
Alexa Linden - for her great kindness and good sense of humor and also for taking good care of a dear friend whom I alas usually only meet once a year,
Belinda Linden - for being warm, caring, competent and supportive towards a crazy Swede with legal problems,
Keira Linden -  for being kind, sweet, efficient and supportive in solving the crazy Swede´s technical problems and last, but in no way least,
Gareth Ontyne - for being calm, polite and efficient although the crazy Swede did not appreciate it at the time (Sorry Gareth!)

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