Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Littering Laws

Photo courtesy of Bengt Nyman, Stockholm, Sweden

Sweden gets new legislation against littering on July 1st, 2011.

According to  the new law dropping cigarette butts, spitting out chewing gum or sachets of snus (Swedish moist snuff) and leaving beer cans, used condoms or hamburger and kebab wrappings in the park can lead to a fine between SEK 200 - 4 000 (which is approximately USD 30 - 650).

The new law has been adopted because it was found that the existing legislation on littering was not effective against such petty littering.

As I understand it there will be no exception for champagne corks or confetti but spitting will still be allowed.

1 comment :

  1. -FINALLY! Not a second to late! What you can cary out you can cary home. Those of you who have doubts are welcome to see the beaches on the west coast before spring cleaning.


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