Friday, June 24, 2011

Yes to Ban Circumcision of Infant Boys

As I have informed you earier (Vote Against Infant Circumcision), there is a poll over at my friend Eddi "Snip-Snip" Haskell´s blog concerning whether or not circumcision of infant boys should be baned or not.

I feel the need to remind you that the voting will be going on for four more days, if you havent voted yet please do so a.s.a.p.

"The choosers", of which I am one, believe that there should be a ban against circumcision of infant boys until the individual himself can give a valid consent. We have no objections whatsoever to those men who elect to perform this operation when they are adults and have the possibilty to choose it for themselves.

The choosers believe that the issue is basically a Human Rights one and can be boiled down to this.

"Leave the children's bodies alone, both boys and girls. Teach them healthy routines to clean their genitals on a daily basis. ...all the rest is religion and culture screwing up with nature."


"The snippers", of which Eddi is one, believe that there should be no ban against circumcision of infant boys and that the decision on whether or not circumcision should be performed rests with the parents of the infant boy or the medical profession.They also claim that a vast amount of studies show that there are big health advantages for both the boy himself and the surrounding society and claims this is supported by a vast amount of studies conducted, they therefore believe it should not be banned but left to the parents or the medical profession to decide..

The studies that have been presented by "the snippers" have been opposed by "the choosers" who claim there are a multitude of other studies stating the opposite.

Now head on over to Eddi´s blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life and tell us what your position is on this matter.


  1. and i think the vote in my poll is all tied up right now! anyway the big news is that New York, the third largest state in the USA with 19 million people, will legalize gay marriage any minute now.

  2. YUP Eddi, I am following at J.M.G. The Senate has decided to take the issue up to a vote and some senators have been explaining their votes - but suddenly it came to a standstill... ahhhh now they re starting up again ;)

  3. Bock one thing. I actually LIKE uncircumcised men.
    And to be honest about it, I would not mind if I were not circumcized. My point is that the case of people who feel that circumcision is bad is one that should be spread by education and not be legislation, since circumcision is so important to Muslim, Jewish, Eastern African Christian, and other groups. All a ban would do if it could pass is drive the practice underground. Also, I am appalled at the racist groups such as the Swedish Democrats who are using this as a way of hurting religious minorities in Sweden and driving them out of the country which is one of the clear goals.

    Yes, educate. No, do not use anti-circumcision measures as a weapon against Muslims in Sweden much as the Nazis used it as a weapon against Jews. And that is exactly their goal.

  4. And I will return the favor and inform you that I actually like circumcised men. ;)

    We will never as a country fall into the Danish-trap. The reasons for these measures will not be motivated by hate speech or religious intolerance of any kind.


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