Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do Nice Guys Finish Last?

In today’s Wall Street Journal, there is a report (url) on a new study showing that men who rate themselves highly “agreeable” tend to earn lower incomes than men who consider themselves less cooperative.  “Mean girls” also earn more than more amenable women, but the gap is much smaller.

The study, “Do Nice Guys–and Gals–Really Finish Last?” by Beth A. Livingston and others is forthcoming in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

"Nice guys are getting the shaft,” Beth tells the reporter, "even in firms that claim to value teamwork. Women, meanwhile, are expected to be nice, so they aren’t penalized much for being so."


I consider myself to be a nice guy, although all may not agree - always.

So not only are we getting sex with fewer sexual partners, as it has been shown in other studies that both men and women go for the "bad boys", we are also getting paid less wages.

This is what the world comes to if you measure success by quantity before quality when it comes to sexual encounters and if you value a team player as less worth than a rude and assertive loud-mouth.


  1. That's a great question, and an interesting study.
    I guess nice guys need to keep their (or should I say our?) wits about them. I can see that there is less glamour in being a good guy rather than a bad guy, but I believe if you treat people right, somewhere along the line you'll get recognition and appreciation for it.
    And those guys who are assholes - well we all know who they are -they maybe fine for a night, but not for life.


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