Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My BIL and I

Andrey´s comment when he saw me was, "Well I am happy we do not have smell in SL yet!"
When I logged into my alternate life yesterday I was still in my goldfish outfit from the previous evening. Before I had time to rez properly and even start to think about changing to something more comfortable I had my Brazilian brother in-law (BIL) screaming out his undying love for me in instant message.

I of course responded in the same fashion, I always do. Andrey is a warm and caring man with a heart of the purest gold, not to mention a real Brazilian hunk who has heads spinning all over SecondLife whenever he shows up.

As we hadn't met for a little while I teleported him over for a hug and a little heart-to-heart talk so we could get updated. We talked about life, love and Russian hurricanes and everything in between. I always enjoy being with Andrey.

We have been so close and share so many memories together - about Ars and our whole SecondLife existence - that even if we haven't seen each other for a little while we immediately reconnect on the deepest level.

Thinking about our talk yesterday I was reminded of this American saying that I stumbled across somewhere a long time ago; If life hands you lemons, throw them back and yell “I WANTED CHOCOLATE!”.


  1. Well.. seems I can't find you on FB. And I've also been asked about your whereabouts. So the question is: did FB kill you off?

    Taco to me:

  2. Hey Jordyn! *POKE*

    Facebook booted my BIL and my nephew Beelly and I didn´t feel like hanging around waiting for them to find me and delete me, so I deleted my profile. I posted something about leaving a few days earlier but you - and the others who asked you - must've missed it.

    We found a new place where they accept avatars, but I haven´t been hanging there much yet. It´s called 2ndHub, here is the url http://www.2ndhub.com/.

    You can always mail me at lundamats@gmail.com

    Hugs - I mostly miss the poking and a few people from FB - you are one of them! ;)

  3. It was great, always great being near you BIL! Thanks again for the great time together, and for usung a powerful deodorant at the time you were fishy.. LOL.. LOVE YOU <3


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