Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Beauty and His Beast

sirhc and Vampi forever!
Today I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the beautiful sirhc DeSantis and his wonderful spouse Vampi Twine DeSantis on the second anniversary of their handfasting.

Hey guys, there actually were a few of us that believed that you could do it and I am happy you proved us right. May you both have many, many years together both here in SecondLife and in first life.


  1. thank you dear bock hugs:) - yes i - AM the beast;)

  2. I'll kill you if you split up, just so you'll know ^_^
    /Sofie Snowbear

  3. I know that already, Vampi, but we both know he loves it when you get bossy!

    Hugs both!


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