Thursday, May 24, 2012

Advance Notice for Friday June 1, 2012

The amazing Bara Jonson, my buddy, and the Rockland band will be streaming live to SecondLife from a gig in first life on Friday June 1, 2012.

There will be a humongous screen set up on the roof of the Swedish Embassy in SecondLife.

For more information and for a later update on the exact time when the event will start please check Vampis OrmDricka; Bara Jonson & Rockland RL live and screening to SL, which is my chief technical officer Mrs Vampi Twine DeSantis McMillan McMillan (honorary) blog.


  1. yes as soon am MR jonson himself gets his ....behind... into gear and tells me the exact time they are going on stage there will be an update hihi... guessing around 22 swed time but dont quote me on that;) still i thinks its sooo cool hes doing this:)


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