Thursday, May 24, 2012

My New Blogging Blanket

Working on my new blogging blanket
A few evenings ago my dear friend Carol Pixelmaid, proprietor and lead designer of *Virtually Gorgeous*™ in SecondLife, surprised me with a wonderful personalized gift.

As you can see on Carols blog Virtually Gorgeous (url) she is mainly a designer of women´s fashion, but occasionally her creative talents lead her into building cool stuff and beautiful furniture.

The gift I received is a blogging blanket with a laptop, coffee and cool animations. The special version Carol made for me has my blog on the screen of the laptop, which of course gave me a special thrill. I simply love it and sit on it all the time when I have nothing else to do.

The blogging blanket is now on sale in the vendor in Carol´s furniture store *Virtually Gorgeous* Main Store (SLurl) or on SecondLife Marketplace *VG* blogging blanket w laptop & animations (url). (The regular version is only L$350 but if you want the version with Bock in SecondLife on the screen it will set you back L$1,000,000 due to royalty fees to the McMillan Household, EU-taxes and tariffs surcharges etc. etc.)


  1. What's a blogging blanket? Is it an actual blanket or something virtual?

    1. Well Dan, for those of us who live in both worlds it´s an actual blanket in our virtual world, but for those who don´t have a second life it would be a virtual blanket in a virtual world. Does it make sense? ;)

  2. giggles @ Bock. $1,000,000L ??? A true capitalist!

    1. Well Diana, sweetie, I actually tried convincing Carol to charge L$5,000,000 for it, but she claimed I was being absurd. ;P

    2. P.S. ...and don´t believe for a second I have not noticed you have started your modelling career on Carol´s blog.

      I notice everything - well, eventually...


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