Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hanging With the Guys When Blanche Comes By

The very first thing I did when I got in-world this evening was to put on my regular skin again, which was a great relief. I had started looking at my shape settings when my buddy Butch called and wanted to come over for a visit.  We compared a few measurements and then he told me to drop the silliness because he thought I looked quite acceptable. (I will probably revisit the issue later though.)

A while later I saw my stepson Guyke come in world so I asked him to join us, which he said he would in just a second. He didn't turn up until a million seconds later, luckily form hijt as I was going to give him a good talking to.
We had a great lazy evening hanging, just talking about nothing special and everything and being in each other's company, relaxing after a - for various reasons - rough week.

While we were sitting there I got a call from my Swedish friend and co-blogger Blanch Argus, who is on a long vacation in first life at the moment. She had dropped in for a few short visit with friends, so I invited her over.
I and Blanche
The four of us had a good time chatting for a while with Butch sharing how he really is a closet heterosexual and had done horrible ewwwwwy stuff with women. He claimed to have been reformed, but I for one am not talking his word for it but am going to keep a close eye on him in the future. Hopefully he should end up with nice gay man who will treat him right.
Guyke & Butch
The four of us and the always present Ars
Blanche had to leave for fer first life commitments a while later but the rest of us remained sitting long after the sun had set over Southern Charm. Butch seemed to be smoking a bit more than usual, but that was most likely his way of relaxing, and with him being Ditch I was not at all certain that all he had in those cigarettes was tobacco. I was to polite to ask about it...
I, feeling comfortable in my old skin
Guyke & Butch

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