Sunday, May 3, 2015

It's All About the Image

Yesterday Tomais and I modeled for our friend - and my bro - the photographer JJ Goodman. It was great fun and the pictures turned out amazing! (I sure hope you can recognize my cute TMP butt.)

As a decent Swedish avatar I would of course n-e-v-v-a-h show my ass in public, if it wasn't required for the sake of creating "Art"... (Not true, as we all know, but please pretend to play along with me...)
busted 1
"busted 1" by JJ Goodman

busted 2
"busted 2" by JJ Goodman

For larger versions of the photos and to get to JJ's Flickr photostream, please click the pictures.


  1. Puhleeeeze! If I have to get out all my pics of your bare-naked butt in public, I will :) That said, it is a thing to behold. If you've got it, flaunt it, baby :) Big Huggles, my friend :)

    1. LOL Diana hushhhhhhhhhhh, don't burst my facade of innocence *Tomais giggles in the background as I type this*


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