Monday, January 14, 2019

Float With The Tiny Community

The Much Honored Bock McMillan, the laird of Southern Charm etc.etc., is showing his support for the tiny community's struggles in SecondLife.

"We all want to be grounded", the laird says, "the struggle of the tinies is Ours."

And here is some good news on the matter shared by Inara Pey on Twitter

If you would like a set of stilts, please send me a message inworld and I will supply you with a pair. They are made for an offset of 0.4


  1. Actually, turned out to be purely a back-end fix. The update was deployed on January 14th. See:

    1. Thank you for that excellent news, Inara! I'm sure the tinies will appreciate it! Although, I must say, I am a bit sad that I don't get to walk in my stilts a while longer.


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